[isso.git] / ExceptionHandler.php
1 <?php
2 /*=====================================================================*\
3 || ###################################################################
4 || # Blue Static ISSO Framework
5 || # Copyright (c)2005-2008 Blue Static
6 || #
7 || # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 || # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 || # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
10 || #
11 || # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 || # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13 || # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
14 || # more details.
15 || #
16 || # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 || # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 || # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 || ###################################################################
20 \*=====================================================================*/
22 /**
23 * Exception Handler (ExceptionHandler.php)
24 *
25 * @package ISSO
26 */
28 /**
29 * Exception Handler
30 *
31 * This class will handle all exceptions that are uncaught in an application
32 *
33 * @author rsesek
34 * @copyright Copyright (c)2005 - 2008, Blue Static
35 * @package ISSO
36 *
37 */
38 class BSExceptionHandler
39 {
40 private function __construct()
41 {}
43 /**
44 * This is the handling dispatcher function that will examine, process
45 * and properly display exceptions
46 */
47 public static function handle(Exception $e)
48 {
49 // see if this was an application-level or framework-level exception
50 $trace = $e->getTrace();
51 $framework = false;
52 foreach ($trace as $i => $frame)
53 {
54 if (!isset($frame['file']))
55 {
56 continue;
57 }
58 if (strpos($frame['file'], ISSO) !== false || substr($frame['class'], 0, 2) == 'BS')
59 {
60 $framework = true;
61 break;
62 }
63 }
64 ?>
65 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
66 "">
67 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
68 <head>
69 <title>Uncaught Exception</title>
71 <style type="text/css">
72 /*<![CDATA[*/
73 body
74 {
75 font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
76 }
78 #warning
79 {
80 background-image: url('data:image/png;base64,<?php echo self::get_alert_image() ?>');
81 background-repeat: no-repeat;
83 margin: 75px 0px 0px 150px;
84 width: 600px;
85 }
87 h1
88 {
89 margin-left: 60px;
90 padding-top: 5px;
91 color: rgb(175, 0, 0);
92 }
94 pre
95 {
96 overflow: scroll;
97 }
98 /*]]>*/
99 </style>
100 </head>
102 <body>
104 <div id="warning">
105 <h1>Uncaught Exception</h1>
107 <p>
108 <em>An exception was encountered during the exection of this program. Because the program could not recover
109 from this error it terminated prematurely. Please contact a system administrator if this problem persists.</em>
110 </p>
112 <br/>
114 <p><strong>Time:</strong> <?php echo date('r') ?></p>
116 <p><strong>Context:</strong> <?php echo ($framework ? 'Framework' : 'Application')?></p>
118 <p><strong>Class:</strong> <?php echo get_class($e) . (get_parent_class($e) ? ' &lt; ' . get_parent_class($e) : '') ?></p>
120 <p><strong>Message:</strong> <?php echo $e->getMessage() ?></p>
122 <p>
123 <strong>Stack Trace:</strong><br/>
124 <pre>
125 <?php
126 $trace = $e->getTraceAsString();
127 echo (BSApp::get_debug() ? $trace : str_replace(getcwd(), '', $trace));
128 ?>
129 </pre>
130 </p>
131 </div>
133 </body>
134 </html>
135 <?php
136 }
138 /**
139 * Returns a base-64 representation of an alert sign
140 *
141 * @return string
142 */
143 protected static function get_alert_image()
144 {
146 '9mdHdhcmUAQWRvYmUgSW1hZ2VSZWFkeXHJZTwAAAOlSURBVHja7Jq9jtNAEMediAcwb2CuQIgGIx6A' .
147 '8ATHFVDQXNwc5SUdXZIOqoQSmoSGhoJQc1JyPehSIXQSIjxBwhOE2dM/0t4y+2F77Tgnj7Ry7Djr/X' .
148 'k+dmY3jc1mE9xUadRwNVz1pFnWgz42Gi1qK2rjG6U5AmrTQYZaUHvyYrNZ77XmoClVWzG1C/ou3kvN' .
149 '0cBDOgyptQ23raHBxd7AAWwGDdlEAHYJcFJ5szSACYiH1FQIcf8YflldOBpgpAETZndHmB+1hD4PmJ' .
150 '97B/RmlggOM2gisEVGJoJuZUD39iujOQPYRBfy4WMJzFWWnq+5MLfmTGAwwUJ/XxgcfOwi78AMgCPq' .
151 'p1s6nCEqZnrjBsAk6zSRCS4t2N179w/ocCBfu/z546xowKwBJa3GnlH7qrSACTJXkZUJMmKaeFo4HC' .
152 'KZCjbN6/wMIDcPxoXBUed9JldcIKR7EwAmTCYzg0v4hYNZ9FwmaAdZOQBO8gI2U0SyMZMrHjmCfbec' .
153 'mwBHTLk09AKHtzRmIpjQ2LLoehDz3FS53HbJQ10012MCSFJUDaaRBC4gy9AWYJoOftZhQv6kRLAApq' .
154 '/moaEm8bbDSeYoizDDbrADgaWoz44RwVNrrsf42VHRizoOAWbKVBGRMxxsucPUWYtg98KVSeM0mhsy' .
155 '5jiqANjW/1TzFGuiLSscblJv7OY0x0zznMU854wbWTV3rJzPqbNpnsFQBbBKm6E4yMCmvSYTIduWTo' .
156 'KKmOec0d6xSXNqWbFEJ1WVgWn8Ktyhcv62wmBb7ckpYCib5i3VbtU6zeNYXvkKKMwYOwrD/Boc/C1U' .
157 'TNJbYkxB5U1BCjxX4B5wmouZuc2bSOsoKwL1qbk1U/PlWkNJC3ZCh19YO/lG5+/KeK4JLvT4nNfK+Q' .
158 'kBPioNjgn5sS4hzSC3Ha9lkUOdOzWZNRFZTj0N4IzJUHL7nSbpONfBqfNax9O20ktq7wH5idpzJiXL' .
159 'AqYu4K7lQvq/FWf60W86REy506/K5C0tWMVMgj8ywV1txjN9LgE52SFUBDPsMV+LBP/aYi67V2DYGN' .
160 'xCiqzgSxl5J4BaCBy6JXV2/VS7EYIc7bPDlDBH53+2ASkLNCAiPC9GphEzLsKlXwlXbxp3eRz/buGS' .
161 'QSw082ie/6Es4WPa/NdpCwtv9RSQ4Y7jibCKDy6+n3p/DmuZj+EHcQkwawCJ+WuaJpn3sSfegl9E8J' .
162 'NQUz7ZTGwpBYe/AMpVmdT/t6zhargazpv8E2AAczzQD3C2jBgAAAAASUVORK5CYII=';
163 }
164 }