Write installation guide and clean up README.md.
[mailpopbox.git] / docs%2Finstall.md
1 # Mailpopbox Installation Guide
3 This guide covers how to install mailpopbox, set up auto-renewing TLS certificates, and setting up
4 Gmail to POP messages off the server.
6 ## Server
8 Installation requires root access on a server capable of running long-lived processes. I recommend
9 [Digital Ocean droplets](https://www.digitalocean.com/products/droplets/), which cost $5/month. This
10 guide does not cover how to properly secure a Linux server, such as SSH configuration; please use
11 other guides to do that if this is a new instance.
13 ## Install Mailpopbox
15 These commands assume you are running as root; if not, precede the commands with `sudo`.
17 1. Download the latest mailpopbox release and copy the binary to `/usr/local/bin`
19 2. Set ownership and permissions:
20 - `chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/mailpopbox`
21 - `chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/mailpopbox`
23 3. Create a new user that the server will run under: `useradd mailpopbox --shell /sbin/nologin`
25 4. Create some directories with the correct permissions:
26 - `cd /home/mailpopbox`
27 - `mkdir -p maildrop/yourdomain.com cert www/.well-known/acme-challenge`
28 - `chown -R mailpopbox:mailpopbox maildrop cert www`
30 5. Create a file at `/home/mailpopbox/config.json`:
32 ```
33 {
34 "SMTPPort": 9025,
35 "POP3Port": 9995,
36 "Hostname": "mx.yourdomain.com",
37 "Servers": [
38 {
39 "Domain": "yourdomain.com",
40 "MailboxPassword": "yourpassword",
41 "TLSKeyPath": "/home/mailpopbox/cert/certificates/mx.yourdomain.com.key",
42 "TLSCertPath": "/home/mailpopbox/cert/certificates/mx.yourdomain.com.crt",
43 "MaildropPath": "/home/mailpopbox/maildrop/yourdomain.com"
44 }
45 ]
46 }
47 ```
49 - The SMTP and POP3 ports are not the values that will be exposed to the Internet, as those are
50 reserved ports that require root access to bind. Instead, mailpopbox binds these
51 unprivileged ports and *iptables* will be used to route Internet traffic to the server. This
52 is handled by the included systemd unit.
53 - The `Hostname` is the MX server hostname. Multiple catch-all domains can be configured, but
54 they will all share this MX hostname in e.g. the SMTP HELO.
55 - The `Domain` is the domain name for which `*@yourdomain.com` will be set up.
56 - The `MailboxPassword` is the password for the `mailbox@yourdomain.com` account, used to
57 authenticate POP3 and outbound SMTP connections. Choose a strong password!
58 - The `TLSKeyPath` and `TLSCertPath` are used to find the TLS certificate, which will be
59 configured below.
60 - The `MaildropPath` is where delivered messages are stored until they are POP'd off the
61 server.
63 ## Setup Automatic TLS Certificates
65 This guide will assume that your instance of mailpopbox is running on a system that also has a
66 web server running. The web server will be used to host [ACME
67 certificate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_Certificate_Management_Environment) challenges.
68 I recommend the [lego](https://github.com/go-acme/lego) tool for certificate management. If you
69 already have a mechanism to get certificates, you can use that and just adjust the paths in
70 `config.json`.
72 1. Install [lego](https://github.com/go-acme/lego) on the server.
74 2. Configure your web server to serve the content under the mailpopbox home directory. With an
75 apache2 configuration, this can be done by editing `/etc/httpd/conf.d/mx.yourdomain.com` with this
76 content:
78 ```
79 <VirtualHost *:80>
80 ServerName mx.yourdomain.com
82 ErrorLog logs/yourdomain_error_log
83 CustomLog logs/yourdomain_access_log combined
85 DocumentRoot /home/mailpopbox/www
86 </VirtualHost>
88 <Directory /home/mailpopbox/www>
89 Require all granted
90 </Directory>
91 ```
93 3. Reload the web server `systemctl reload httpd.service`
95 4. Customize this command and register for the initial account and certificate:
97 sudo -u mailpopbox /usr/local/bin/lego --email email@domain.com --domains mx.yourdomain.com --http --http.webroot /home/mailpopbox/www --path /home/mailpopbox/cert run
99 This will register *email@domain.com* with [LetsEncrypt](https://letsencrypt.org) to get a
100 certificate for *mx.yourdomain.com* by putting an authentication challenge file in the
101 `/home/mailpopbox/www` directory, with the resulting certificate files in `/home/mailpopbox/cert`.
104 5. Let mailpopbox restart itself via systemd by editing the sudoers file with `visudo`, and add this
105 line:
107 mailpopbox ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl restart mailpopbox.service
109 6. Set up a cron job to automatically renew the certificate using `sudo crontab -u mailpopbx -e`
110 and specifying this command (which is nearly the same as the `run` above, except it uses `renew` and
111 a hook). Customize this command:
113 0 22 * * * /usr/local/bin/lego --email email@domain.com --domains mx.yourdomain.com --http --http.webroot /home/mailpopbox/www --path /home/mailpopbox/cert renew --renew-hook "sudo /usr/bin/systemctl restart mailpopbox.service"
115 ## Configure DNS
117 1. Add a DNS A record to `yourdomain.com`, to set up `mx.yourdomain.com` to point to the public IP
118 address of the server running mailpopbox.
120 2. Set or change the DNS MX record of `yourdomain.com` to point to `mx.yourdomain.com`.
122 Changes to DNS can take up between 1 and 24 hours to propagate.
124 ## Starting Mailpopbox
126 1. Copy the `mailpopbox.service` systemd unit file from the release archive to
127 `/usr/local/lib/systemd/system`
129 > Note that the systemd unit file uses `/sbin/iptables` to forward traffic from ports 25 and 995 to
130 > the ports specified in the `config.json` file. It also specifies the path to the `config.json`
131 > file.
133 2. Enable the systemd unit with `systemctl enable mailpopbox.service`
135 3. Start mailpopbox with `systemctl start mailpopbox.service`
137 4. Verify that the server has started with `journalctl -u mailpopbox`
139 5. Test the connection to the server from your local machine: `openssl s_client -connect
140 mx.yourdomain.com:995`. You should see your certificate printed by `openssl` and then a line that
141 says `+OK POP3 (mailpopbox) server mx.yourdomain.com`.
143 ## Configuring Your Email Client
145 Now that mailpopbox is running and DNS is configured, it is time to set your mail client up to
146 connect to it. We will set up both a POP3 account to download delivered mail, and a SMTP account to
147 enable replying. This guide is for Gmail, but the configuration parameters are the same regardless
148 of client.
150 1. Go to **Gmail Settings** > **Accounts and Import**
152 2. Under **Check mail from other accounts:**, click **Add a mail account**
154 3. Specify `mailbox@yourdomain.com` as the email address and click **Next**
156 4. Choose **Import emails from my other account (POP3)** and click **Next**
158 5. Specify the following configuration and add the account:
159 - **Username:** `mailbox@yourdomain.com`
160 - **Password:** The password you specified in `config.json`
161 - **POP Server:** `mx.yourdomain.com`
162 - **Port:** `995`
163 - Check **Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail**
164 - Optionally, apply a label to all the messages sent to this domain
166 Gmail will now fetch messages delivered to the server. You can send a test message to
167 `install-test@yourdomain.com` and it should be delivered within a few minutes. Note that Gmail
168 fetches mail from the POP account periodically via polling, so message delivery can seem slower than
169 normal.
171 1. Go to **Gmail Settings** > **Accounts and Import**
173 2. Under **Send mail as:**, click **Add another email address**
175 3. Specify the following and click **Next**:
176 - **Name:** Whatever you prefer
177 - **Email:** `mailbox@yourdomain.com`
178 - Check **Treat as an alias**
180 4. Specify the following and add the account:
181 - **SMTP Server:** `mx.yourdomain.com`
182 - **Port:** `25`
183 - **Username:** `mailbox@yourdomain.com`
184 - **Password:** The password you specified in `config.json`
185 - Check **Secured connection using TLS**
187 Gmail will now let you send email as *mailbox@yourdomain.com*. But if you are replying to a message
188 sent to *random@yourdomain.com*, you do not want the recipient to see the "mailbox" username in your
189 reply. If you append `[sendas:random]` to the Subject line of the message, the SMTP server will
190 change the From address to `random@yourdomain.com` and remove the special tag from the Subject line.