[macgdbp.git] / DebuggerConnection.m
1 /*
2 * MacGDBp
3 * Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Blue Static <http://www.bluestatic.org>
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
6 * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
7 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
10 * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
11 * General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
14 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
15 */
17 #import <sys/socket.h>
18 #import <netinet/in.h>
20 #import "DebuggerConnection.h"
22 #import "AppDelegate.h"
23 #import "LoggingController.h"
25 // GDBpConnection (Private) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 @interface DebuggerConnection ()
28 @property (readwrite, copy) NSString* status;
29 @property (assign) CFSocketRef socket;
30 @property (assign) CFReadStreamRef readStream;
31 @property NSUInteger lastReadTransaction;
32 @property (retain) NSMutableString* currentPacket;
33 @property (assign) CFWriteStreamRef writeStream;
34 @property NSUInteger lastWrittenTransaction;
35 @property (retain) NSMutableArray* queuedWrites;
37 - (void)connect;
38 - (void)close;
39 - (void)socketDidAccept;
40 - (void)socketDisconnected;
41 - (void)readStreamHasData;
42 - (void)send:(NSString*)command;
43 - (void)performSend:(NSString*)command;
44 - (void)errorEncountered:(NSString*)error;
46 - (void)handleResponse:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
47 - (void)handlePacket:(NSString*)packet;
49 - (void)initReceived:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
50 - (void)updateStatus:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
51 - (void)debuggerStep:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
52 - (void)rebuildStack:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
53 - (void)getStackFrame:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
54 - (void)setSource:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
55 - (void)contextsReceived:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
56 - (void)variablesReceived:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
57 - (void)propertiesReceived:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
59 - (NSNumber*)sendCommandWithCallback:(SEL)callback format:(NSString*)format, ...;
61 - (void)sendQueuedWrites;
63 - (NSString*)escapedURIPath:(NSString*)path;
64 - (NSInteger)transactionIDFromResponse:(NSXMLDocument*)response;
65 - (NSInteger)transactionIDFromCommand:(NSString*)command;
66 @end
68 // CFNetwork Callbacks /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
70 void ReadStreamCallback(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType eventType, void* connectionRaw)
71 {
72 DebuggerConnection* connection = (DebuggerConnection*)connectionRaw;
73 switch (eventType)
74 {
75 case kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
76 [connection readStreamHasData];
77 break;
79 case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:
80 {
81 CFErrorRef error = CFReadStreamCopyError(stream);
82 CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
83 CFReadStreamClose(stream);
84 CFRelease(stream);
85 [connection errorEncountered:[[(NSError*)error autorelease] description]];
86 break;
87 }
89 case kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:
90 CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
91 CFReadStreamClose(stream);
92 CFRelease(stream);
93 [connection socketDisconnected];
94 break;
95 };
96 }
98 void WriteStreamCallback(CFWriteStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType eventType, void* connectionRaw)
99 {
100 DebuggerConnection* connection = (DebuggerConnection*)connectionRaw;
101 switch (eventType)
102 {
103 case kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes:
104 [connection sendQueuedWrites];
105 break;
107 case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:
108 {
109 CFErrorRef error = CFWriteStreamCopyError(stream);
110 CFWriteStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
111 CFWriteStreamClose(stream);
112 CFRelease(stream);
113 [connection errorEncountered:[[(NSError*)error autorelease] description]];
114 break;
115 }
117 case kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:
118 CFWriteStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
119 CFWriteStreamClose(stream);
120 CFRelease(stream);
121 [connection socketDisconnected];
122 break;
123 }
124 }
126 void SocketAcceptCallback(CFSocketRef socket,
127 CFSocketCallBackType callbackType,
128 CFDataRef address,
129 const void* data,
130 void* connectionRaw)
131 {
132 assert(callbackType == kCFSocketAcceptCallBack);
133 NSLog(@"SocketAcceptCallback()");
135 DebuggerConnection* connection = (DebuggerConnection*)connectionRaw;
137 CFReadStreamRef readStream;
138 CFWriteStreamRef writeStream;
140 // Create the streams on the socket.
141 CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(kCFAllocatorDefault,
142 *(CFSocketNativeHandle*)data, // Socket handle.
143 &readStream, // Read stream in-pointer.
144 &writeStream); // Write stream in-pointer.
146 // Create struct to register callbacks for the stream.
147 CFStreamClientContext context;
148 context.version = 0;
149 context.info = connection;
150 context.retain = NULL;
151 context.release = NULL;
152 context.copyDescription = NULL;
154 // Set the client of the read stream.
155 CFOptionFlags readFlags =
156 kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted |
157 kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable |
158 kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred |
159 kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
160 if (CFReadStreamSetClient(readStream, readFlags, ReadStreamCallback, &context))
161 // Schedule in run loop to do asynchronous communication with the engine.
162 CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(readStream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
163 else
164 return;
166 // Open the stream now that it's scheduled on the run loop.
167 if (!CFReadStreamOpen(readStream))
168 {
169 CFStreamError error = CFReadStreamGetError(readStream);
170 NSLog(@"error! %@", error);
171 return;
172 }
174 // Set the client of the write stream.
175 CFOptionFlags writeFlags =
176 kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted |
177 kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes |
178 kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred |
179 kCFStreamEventEndEncountered;
180 if (CFWriteStreamSetClient(writeStream, writeFlags, WriteStreamCallback, &context))
181 // Schedule it in the run loop to receive error information.
182 CFWriteStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(writeStream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
183 else
184 return;
186 // Open the write stream.
187 if (!CFWriteStreamOpen(writeStream))
188 {
189 CFStreamError error = CFWriteStreamGetError(writeStream);
190 NSLog(@"error! %@", error);
191 return;
192 }
194 connection.readStream = readStream;
195 connection.writeStream = writeStream;
196 [connection socketDidAccept];
197 }
199 // GDBpConnection //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
201 @implementation DebuggerConnection
202 @synthesize socket = socket_;
203 @synthesize readStream = readStream_;
204 @synthesize lastReadTransaction = lastReadTransaction_;
205 @synthesize currentPacket = currentPacket_;
206 @synthesize writeStream = writeStream_;
207 @synthesize lastWrittenTransaction = lastWrittenTransaction_;
208 @synthesize queuedWrites = queuedWrites_;
209 @synthesize status;
210 @synthesize delegate;
212 /**
213 * Creates a new DebuggerConnection and initializes the socket from the given connection
214 * paramters.
215 */
216 - (id)initWithPort:(NSUInteger)aPort
217 {
218 if (self = [super init])
219 {
220 port = aPort;
221 connected = NO;
223 [[BreakpointManager sharedManager] setConnection:self];
224 [self connect];
225 }
226 return self;
227 }
229 /**
230 * Deallocates the object
231 */
232 - (void)dealloc
233 {
234 [self close];
235 self.currentPacket = nil;
237 [super dealloc];
238 }
241 // Getters /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
242 #pragma mark Getters
244 /**
245 * Gets the port number
246 */
247 - (NSUInteger)port
248 {
249 return port;
250 }
252 /**
253 * Returns the name of the remote host
254 */
255 - (NSString*)remoteHost
256 {
257 if (!connected)
258 {
259 return @"(DISCONNECTED)";
260 }
261 // TODO: Either impl or remove.
262 return @"";
263 }
265 /**
266 * Returns whether or not we have an active connection
267 */
268 - (BOOL)isConnected
269 {
270 return connected;
271 }
273 // Commands ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
274 #pragma mark Commands
276 /**
277 * Reestablishes communication with the remote debugger so that a new connection doesn't have to be
278 * created every time you want to debug a page
279 */
280 - (void)reconnect
281 {
282 [self close];
283 self.status = @"Connecting";
284 [self connect];
285 }
287 /**
288 * Tells the debugger to continue running the script. Returns the current stack frame.
289 */
290 - (void)run
291 {
292 [self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(debuggerStep:) format:@"run"];
293 }
295 /**
296 * Tells the debugger to step into the current command.
297 */
298 - (void)stepIn
299 {
300 [self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(debuggerStep:) format:@"step_into"];
301 }
303 /**
304 * Tells the debugger to step out of the current context
305 */
306 - (void)stepOut
307 {
308 [self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(debuggerStep:) format:@"step_out"];
309 }
311 /**
312 * Tells the debugger to step over the current function
313 */
314 - (void)stepOver
315 {
316 [self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(debuggerStep:) format:@"step_over"];
317 }
319 /**
320 * Tells the debugger engine to get a specifc property. This also takes in the NSXMLElement
321 * that requested it so that the child can be attached.
322 */
323 - (NSInteger)getProperty:(NSString*)property
324 {
325 [self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(propertiesReceived:) format:@"property_get -n \"%@\"", property];
326 }
328 // Breakpoint Management ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
329 #pragma mark Breakpoints
331 /**
332 * Send an add breakpoint command
333 */
334 - (void)addBreakpoint:(Breakpoint*)bp
335 {
336 if (!connected)
337 return;
339 NSString* file = [self escapedURIPath:[bp transformedPath]];
340 NSNumber* transaction = [self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(breakpointReceived:)
341 format:@"breakpoint_set -t line -f %@ -n %i", file, [bp line]];
342 [callbackContext_ setObject:bp forKey:transaction];
343 }
345 /**
346 * Removes a breakpoint
347 */
348 - (void)removeBreakpoint:(Breakpoint*)bp
349 {
350 if (!connected)
351 {
352 return;
353 }
355 [self sendCommandWithCallback:nil format:@"breakpoint_remove -d %i", [bp debuggerId]];
356 }
359 // Socket and Stream Callbacks /////////////////////////////////////////////////
360 #pragma mark Callbacks
362 /**
363 * Called by SocketWrapper after the connection is successful. This immediately calls
364 * -[SocketWrapper receive] to clear the way for communication, though the information
365 * could be useful server information that we don't use right now.
366 */
367 - (void)socketDidAccept
368 {
369 connected = YES;
370 transactionID = 1;
371 stackFrames_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
372 self.queuedWrites = [NSMutableArray array];
373 writeQueueLock_ = [NSRecursiveLock new];
374 callTable_ = [NSMutableDictionary new];
375 callbackContext_ = [NSMutableDictionary new];
376 }
378 /**
379 * Receives errors from the SocketWrapper and updates the display
380 */
381 - (void)errorEncountered:(NSString*)error
382 {
383 [delegate errorEncountered:error];
384 }
386 /**
387 * Creates, connects to, and schedules a CFSocket.
388 */
389 - (void)connect
390 {
391 // Pass ourselves to the callback so we don't have to use ugly globals.
392 CFSocketContext context;
393 context.version = 0;
394 context.info = self;
395 context.retain = NULL;
396 context.release = NULL;
397 context.copyDescription = NULL;
399 // Create the address structure.
400 struct sockaddr_in address;
401 memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address));
402 address.sin_len = sizeof(address);
403 address.sin_family = AF_INET;
404 address.sin_port = htons(port);
405 address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
407 // Create the socket signature.
408 CFSocketSignature signature;
409 signature.protocolFamily = PF_INET;
410 signature.socketType = SOCK_STREAM;
411 signature.protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
412 signature.address = (CFDataRef)[NSData dataWithBytes:&address length:sizeof(address)];
414 socket_ = CFSocketCreateWithSocketSignature(kCFAllocatorDefault,
415 &signature, // Socket signature.
416 kCFSocketAcceptCallBack, // Callback types.
417 SocketAcceptCallback, // Callout function pointer.
418 &context); // Context to pass to callout.
419 if (!socket_)
420 {
421 [self errorEncountered:@"Could not open socket."];
422 return;
423 }
425 // Allow old, yet-to-be recycled sockets to be reused.
426 BOOL yes = YES;
427 setsockopt(CFSocketGetNative(socket_), SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(BOOL));
429 // Schedule the socket on the run loop.
430 CFRunLoopSourceRef source = CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, socket_, 0);
431 CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), source, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
432 CFRelease(source);
434 self.status = @"Connecting";
435 }
437 /**
438 * Closes a socket and releases the ref.
439 */
440 - (void)close
441 {
442 // The socket goes down, so do the streams, which clean themselves up.
443 CFSocketInvalidate(socket_);
444 CFRelease(socket_);
445 [stackFrames_ release];
446 self.queuedWrites = nil;
447 [writeQueueLock_ release];
448 [callTable_ release];
449 [callbackContext_ release];
450 }
452 /**
453 * Notification that the socket disconnected.
454 */
455 - (void)socketDisconnected
456 {
457 [self close];
458 [delegate debuggerDisconnected];
459 }
461 /**
462 * Callback from the CFReadStream that there is data waiting to be read.
463 */
464 - (void)readStreamHasData
465 {
466 const NSUInteger kBufferSize = 1024;
467 UInt8 buffer[kBufferSize];
468 CFIndex bufferOffset = 0; // Starting point in |buffer| to work with.
469 CFIndex bytesRead = CFReadStreamRead(readStream_, buffer, kBufferSize);
470 const char* charBuffer = (const char*)buffer;
472 // The read loop works by going through the buffer until all the bytes have
473 // been processed.
474 while (bufferOffset < bytesRead)
475 {
476 // Find the NULL separator, or the end of the string.
477 NSUInteger partLength = 0;
478 for (NSUInteger i = bufferOffset; i < bytesRead && charBuffer[i] != '\0'; ++i, ++partLength) ;
480 // If there is not a current packet, set some state.
481 if (!self.currentPacket)
482 {
483 // Read the message header: the size. This will be |partLength| bytes.
484 packetSize_ = atoi(charBuffer + bufferOffset);
485 currentPacketIndex_ = 0;
486 self.currentPacket = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:packetSize_];
487 bufferOffset += partLength + 1; // Pass over the NULL byte.
488 continue; // Spin the loop to begin reading actual data.
489 }
491 // Substring the byte stream and append it to the packet string.
492 CFStringRef bufferString = CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault,
493 buffer + bufferOffset, // Byte pointer, offset by start index.
494 partLength, // Length.
495 kCFStringEncodingUTF8,
496 true);
497 [self.currentPacket appendString:(NSString*)bufferString];
498 CFRelease(bufferString);
500 // Advance counters.
501 currentPacketIndex_ += partLength;
502 bufferOffset += partLength + 1;
504 // If this read finished the packet, handle it and reset.
505 NSLog(@"cpi %d ps %d br %d ds %d", currentPacketIndex_, packetSize_, bytesRead, partLength);
506 if (currentPacketIndex_ >= packetSize_)
507 {
508 [self handlePacket:[[currentPacket_ retain] autorelease]];
509 self.currentPacket = nil;
510 packetSize_ = 0;
511 currentPacketIndex_ = 0;
512 }
513 }
514 }
516 /**
517 * Performs the packet handling of a raw string XML packet. From this point on,
518 * the packets are associated with a transaction and are then dispatched.
519 */
520 - (void)handlePacket:(NSString*)packet
521 {
522 // Test if we can convert it into an NSXMLDocument.
523 NSError* error = nil;
524 NSXMLDocument* xmlTest = [[NSXMLDocument alloc] initWithXMLString:currentPacket_ options:NSXMLDocumentTidyXML error:&error];
526 // Try to recover if we encountered an error.
527 if (!xmlTest)
528 {
529 // We do not want to starve the write queue, so manually parse out the
530 // transaction ID.
531 NSRange location = [currentPacket_ rangeOfString:@"transaction_id"];
532 if (location.location != NSNotFound)
533 {
534 NSUInteger start = location.location + location.length;
535 NSUInteger end = start;
537 NSCharacterSet* numericSet = [NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet];
539 // Loop over the characters after the attribute name to extract the ID.
540 while (end < [currentPacket_ length])
541 {
542 unichar c = [currentPacket_ characterAtIndex:end];
543 if ([numericSet characterIsMember:c])
544 {
545 // If this character is numeric, extend the range to substring.
546 ++end;
547 }
548 else
549 {
550 if (start == end)
551 {
552 // If this character is nonnumeric and we have nothing in the
553 // range, skip this character.
554 ++start;
555 ++end;
556 }
557 else
558 {
559 // We've moved past the numeric ID so we should stop searching.
560 break;
561 }
562 }
563 }
565 // If we were able to extract the transaction ID, update the last read.
566 NSRange substringRange = NSMakeRange(start, end - start);
567 NSString* transactionStr = [currentPacket_ substringWithRange:substringRange];
568 if ([transactionStr length])
569 lastReadTransaction_ = [transactionStr intValue];
570 }
572 // Otherwise, assume +1 and hope it works.
573 ++lastReadTransaction_;
574 }
575 else
576 {
577 // See if the transaction can be parsed out.
578 NSInteger transaction = [self transactionIDFromResponse:xmlTest];
579 if (transaction < lastReadTransaction_)
580 {
581 NSLog(@"tx = %d vs %d", transaction, lastReadTransaction_);
582 NSLog(@"out of date transaction %@", packet);
583 return;
584 }
586 if (transaction != lastWrittenTransaction_)
587 NSLog(@"txn %d <> %d last written, %d last read", transaction, lastWrittenTransaction_, lastReadTransaction_);
589 lastReadTransaction_ = transaction;
590 }
592 // Log this receive event.
593 LoggingController* logger = [(AppDelegate*)[NSApp delegate] loggingController];
594 LogEntry* log = [logger recordReceive:currentPacket_];
595 log.error = error;
596 log.lastWrittenTransactionID = lastWrittenTransaction_;
597 log.lastReadTransactionID = lastReadTransaction_;
599 // Finally, dispatch the handler for this response.
600 [self handleResponse:[xmlTest autorelease]];
601 }
603 /**
604 * Writes a command into the write stream. If the stream is ready for writing,
605 * we do so immediately. If not, the command is queued and will be written
606 * when the stream is ready.
607 */
608 - (void)send:(NSString*)command
609 {
610 if (lastReadTransaction_ >= lastWrittenTransaction_ && CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes(writeStream_))
611 [self performSend:command];
612 else
613 [queuedWrites_ addObject:command];
614 [self sendQueuedWrites];
615 }
617 /**
618 * This performs a blocking send. This should ONLY be called when we know we
619 * have write access to the stream. We will busy wait in case we don't do a full
620 * send.
621 */
622 - (void)performSend:(NSString*)command
623 {
624 // If this is an out-of-date transaction, do not bother sending it.
625 NSInteger transaction = [self transactionIDFromCommand:command];
626 if (transaction != NSNotFound && transaction < lastWrittenTransaction_)
627 return;
629 BOOL done = NO;
631 char* string = (char*)[command UTF8String];
632 int stringLength = strlen(string);
634 // Busy wait while writing. BAADD. Should background this operation.
635 while (!done)
636 {
637 if (CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes(writeStream_))
638 {
639 // Include the NULL byte in the string when we write.
640 int bytesWritten = CFWriteStreamWrite(writeStream_, (UInt8*)string, stringLength + 1);
641 if (bytesWritten < 0)
642 {
643 NSLog(@"write error");
644 }
645 // Incomplete write.
646 else if (bytesWritten < strlen(string))
647 {
648 // Adjust the buffer and wait for another chance to write.
649 stringLength -= bytesWritten;
650 memmove(string, string + bytesWritten, stringLength);
651 }
652 else
653 {
654 done = YES;
656 // We need to scan the string to find the transactionID.
657 if (transaction == NSNotFound)
658 {
659 NSLog(@"sent %@ without a transaction ID", command);
660 continue;
661 }
662 lastWrittenTransaction_ = transaction;
663 }
664 }
665 }
667 // Log this trancation.
668 LoggingController* logger = [(AppDelegate*)[NSApp delegate] loggingController];
669 LogEntry* log = [logger recordSend:command];
670 log.lastWrittenTransactionID = lastWrittenTransaction_;
671 log.lastReadTransactionID = lastReadTransaction_;
672 }
674 - (void)handleResponse:(NSXMLDocument*)response
675 {
676 // Check and see if there's an error.
677 NSArray* error = [[response rootElement] elementsForName:@"error"];
678 if ([error count] > 0)
679 {
680 NSLog(@"Xdebug error: %@", error);
681 [delegate errorEncountered:[[[[error objectAtIndex:0] children] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]];
682 }
684 if ([[[response rootElement] name] isEqualToString:@"init"])
685 {
686 [self initReceived:response];
687 return;
688 }
690 NSString* callbackStr = [callTable_ objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:lastReadTransaction_]];
691 if (callbackStr)
692 {
693 SEL callback = NSSelectorFromString(callbackStr);
694 [self performSelector:callback withObject:response];
695 }
697 [self sendQueuedWrites];
698 }
700 // Specific Response Handlers //////////////////////////////////////////////////
701 #pragma mark Response Handlers
703 /**
704 * Initial packet received. We've started a brand-new connection to the engine.
705 */
706 - (void)initReceived:(NSXMLDocument*)response
707 {
708 // Register any breakpoints that exist offline.
709 for (Breakpoint* bp in [[BreakpointManager sharedManager] breakpoints])
710 [self addBreakpoint:bp];
712 // Load the debugger to make it look active.
713 [delegate debuggerConnected];
715 // TODO: update the status.
716 }
718 /**
719 * Receiver for status updates. This just freshens up the UI.
720 */
721 - (void)updateStatus:(NSXMLDocument*)response
722 {
723 self.status = [[[[response rootElement] attributeForName:@"status"] stringValue] capitalizedString];
724 if (status == nil || [status isEqualToString:@"Stopped"] || [status isEqualToString:@"Stopping"])
725 {
726 connected = NO;
727 [self close];
728 [delegate debuggerDisconnected];
730 self.status = @"Stopped";
731 }
732 }
734 /**
735 * Step in/out/over and run all take this path. We first get the status of the
736 * debugger and then request fresh stack information.
737 */
738 - (void)debuggerStep:(NSXMLDocument*)response
739 {
740 [self updateStatus:response];
741 if (!connected)
742 return;
744 // If this is the run command, tell the delegate that a bunch of updates
745 // are coming. Also remove all existing stack routes and request a new stack.
746 // TODO: figure out if we can not clobber the stack every time.
747 NSString* command = [[[response rootElement] attributeForName:@"command"] stringValue];
748 if (YES || [command isEqualToString:@"run"])
749 {
750 if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(clobberStack)])
751 [delegate clobberStack];
752 [stackFrames_ removeAllObjects];
753 stackFirstTransactionID_ = [[self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(rebuildStack:) format:@"stack_depth"] intValue];
754 }
755 }
757 /**
758 * We ask for the stack_depth and now we clobber the stack and start rebuilding
759 * it.
760 */
761 - (void)rebuildStack:(NSXMLDocument*)response
762 {
763 NSInteger depth = [[[[response rootElement] attributeForName:@"depth"] stringValue] intValue];
765 if (stackFirstTransactionID_ == [self transactionIDFromResponse:response])
766 stackDepth_ = depth;
768 // We now need to alloc a bunch of stack frames and get the basic information
769 // for them.
770 for (NSInteger i = 0; i < depth; i++)
771 {
772 // Use the transaction ID to create a routing path.
773 NSNumber* routingID = [self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(getStackFrame:) format:@"stack_get -d %d", i];
774 [stackFrames_ setObject:[StackFrame alloc] forKey:routingID];
775 }
776 }
778 /**
779 * The initial rebuild of the stack frame. We now have enough to initialize
780 * a StackFrame object.
781 */
782 - (void)getStackFrame:(NSXMLDocument*)response
783 {
784 // Get the routing information.
785 NSInteger routingID = [self transactionIDFromResponse:response];
786 if (routingID < stackFirstTransactionID_)
787 return;
788 NSNumber* routingNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:routingID];
790 // Make sure we initialized this frame in our last |-rebuildStack:|.
791 StackFrame* frame = [stackFrames_ objectForKey:routingNumber];
792 if (!frame)
793 return;
795 NSXMLElement* xmlframe = [[[response rootElement] children] objectAtIndex:0];
797 // Initialize the stack frame.
798 [frame initWithIndex:[[[xmlframe attributeForName:@"level"] stringValue] intValue]
799 withFilename:[[xmlframe attributeForName:@"filename"] stringValue]
800 withSource:nil
801 atLine:[[[xmlframe attributeForName:@"lineno"] stringValue] intValue]
802 inFunction:[[xmlframe attributeForName:@"where"] stringValue]
803 withVariables:nil];
805 // Get the source code of the file. Escape % in URL chars.
806 NSString* escapedFilename = [frame.filename stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"%" withString:@"%%"];
807 NSNumber* transaction = [self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(setSource:) format:@"source -f %@", escapedFilename];
808 [callbackContext_ setObject:routingNumber forKey:transaction];
810 // Get the names of all the contexts.
811 transaction = [self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(contextsReceived:) format:@"context_names -d %d", frame.index];
812 [callbackContext_ setObject:routingNumber forKey:transaction];
814 if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(newStackFrame:)])
815 [delegate newStackFrame:frame];
816 }
818 /**
819 * Callback for setting the source of a file while rebuilding a specific stack
820 * frame.
821 */
822 - (void)setSource:(NSXMLDocument*)response
823 {
824 NSNumber* transaction = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[self transactionIDFromResponse:response]];
825 if ([transaction intValue] < stackFirstTransactionID_)
826 return;
827 NSNumber* routingNumber = [callbackContext_ objectForKey:transaction];
828 if (!routingNumber)
829 return;
831 [callbackContext_ removeObjectForKey:transaction];
832 StackFrame* frame = [stackFrames_ objectForKey:routingNumber];
833 if (!frame)
834 return;
836 frame.source = [[response rootElement] value];
838 if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(sourceUpdated:)])
839 [delegate sourceUpdated:frame];
840 }
842 /**
843 * Enumerates all the contexts of a given stack frame. We then in turn get the
844 * contents of each one of these contexts.
845 */
846 - (void)contextsReceived:(NSXMLDocument*)response
847 {
848 // Get the stack frame's routing ID and use it again.
849 NSNumber* receivedTransaction = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[self transactionIDFromResponse:response]];
850 if ([receivedTransaction intValue] < stackFirstTransactionID_)
851 return;
852 NSNumber* routingID = [callbackContext_ objectForKey:receivedTransaction];
853 if (!routingID)
854 return;
856 // Get the stack frame by the |routingID|.
857 StackFrame* frame = [stackFrames_ objectForKey:routingID];
859 NSXMLElement* contextNames = [response rootElement];
860 for (NSXMLElement* context in [contextNames children])
861 {
862 NSInteger cid = [[[context attributeForName:@"id"] stringValue] intValue];
864 // Fetch each context's variables.
865 NSNumber* transaction = [self sendCommandWithCallback:@selector(variablesReceived:)
866 format:@"context_get -d %d -c %d", frame.index, cid];
867 [callbackContext_ setObject:routingID forKey:transaction];
868 }
869 }
871 /**
872 * Receives the variables from the context and attaches them to the stack frame.
873 */
874 - (void)variablesReceived:(NSXMLDocument*)response
875 {
876 // Get the stack frame's routing ID and use it again.
877 NSInteger transaction = [self transactionIDFromResponse:response];
878 if (transaction < stackFirstTransactionID_)
879 return;
880 NSNumber* receivedTransaction = [NSNumber numberWithInt:transaction];
881 NSNumber* routingID = [callbackContext_ objectForKey:receivedTransaction];
882 if (!routingID)
883 return;
885 // Get the stack frame by the |routingID|.
886 StackFrame* frame = [stackFrames_ objectForKey:routingID];
888 NSMutableArray* variables = [NSMutableArray array];
890 // Merge the frame's existing variables.
891 if (frame.variables)
892 [variables addObjectsFromArray:frame.variables];
894 // Add these new variables.
895 NSArray* addVariables = [[response rootElement] children];
896 if (addVariables)
897 [variables addObjectsFromArray:addVariables];
899 frame.variables = variables;
900 }
902 /**
903 * Callback from a |-getProperty:| request.
904 */
905 - (void)propertiesReceived:(NSXMLDocument*)response
906 {
907 NSInteger transaction = [self transactionIDFromResponse:response];
909 /*
910 <response>
911 <property> <!-- this is the one we requested -->
912 <property ... /> <!-- these are what we want -->
913 </property>
914 </repsonse>
915 */
917 // Detach all the children so we can insert them into another document.
918 NSXMLElement* parent = (NSXMLElement*)[[response rootElement] childAtIndex:0];
919 NSArray* children = [parent children];
920 [parent setChildren:nil];
922 [delegate receivedProperties:children forTransaction:transaction];
923 }
925 /**
926 * Callback for setting a breakpoint.
927 */
928 - (void)breakpointReceived:(NSXMLDocument*)response
929 {
930 NSNumber* transaction = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[self transactionIDFromResponse:response]];
931 Breakpoint* bp = [callbackContext_ objectForKey:transaction];
932 if (!bp)
933 return;
935 [callbackContext_ removeObjectForKey:callbackContext_];
936 [bp setDebuggerId:[[[[response rootElement] attributeForName:@"id"] stringValue] intValue]];
937 }
939 #pragma mark Private
941 /**
942 * This will send a command to the debugger engine. It will append the
943 * transaction ID automatically. It accepts a NSString command along with a
944 * a variable number of arguments to substitute into the command, a la
945 * +[NSString stringWithFormat:]. Returns the transaction ID as a NSNumber.
946 */
947 - (NSNumber*)sendCommandWithCallback:(SEL)callback format:(NSString*)format, ...
948 {
949 // Collect varargs and format command.
950 va_list args;
951 va_start(args, format);
952 NSString* command = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:args];
953 va_end(args);
955 NSNumber* callbackKey = [NSNumber numberWithInt:transactionID++];
956 if (callback)
957 [callTable_ setObject:NSStringFromSelector(callback) forKey:callbackKey];
959 [self send:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ -i %@", [command autorelease], callbackKey]];
961 return callbackKey;
962 }
964 /**
965 * Checks if there are unsent commands in the |queuedWrites_| queue and sends
966 * them if it's OK to do so. This will not block.
967 */
968 - (void)sendQueuedWrites
969 {
970 if (!connected)
971 return;
973 [writeQueueLock_ lock];
974 if (lastReadTransaction_ >= lastWrittenTransaction_ && [queuedWrites_ count] > 0)
975 {
976 NSString* command = [queuedWrites_ objectAtIndex:0];
978 // We don't want to block because this is called from the main thread.
979 // |-performSend:| busy waits when the stream is not ready. Bail out
980 // before we do that becuase busy waiting is BAD.
981 if (CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes(writeStream_))
982 {
983 [self performSend:command];
984 [queuedWrites_ removeObjectAtIndex:0];
985 }
986 }
987 [writeQueueLock_ unlock];
988 }
990 /**
991 * Given a file path, this returns a file:// URI and escapes any spaces for the
992 * debugger engine.
993 */
994 - (NSString*)escapedURIPath:(NSString*)path
995 {
996 // Custon GDBp paths are fine.
997 if ([[path substringToIndex:4] isEqualToString:@"gdbp"])
998 return path;
1000 // Create a temporary URL that will escape all the nasty characters.
1001 NSURL* url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
1002 NSString* urlString = [url absoluteString];
1004 // Remove the host because this is a file:// URL;
1005 urlString = [urlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:[url host] withString:@""];
1007 // Escape % for use in printf-style NSString formatters.
1008 urlString = [urlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"%" withString:@"%%"];
1009 return urlString;
1010 }
1012 /**
1013 * Returns the transaction_id from an NSXMLDocument.
1014 */
1015 - (NSInteger)transactionIDFromResponse:(NSXMLDocument*)response
1016 {
1017 return [[[[response rootElement] attributeForName:@"transaction_id"] stringValue] intValue];
1018 }
1020 /**
1021 * Scans a command string for the transaction ID component. If it is not found,
1022 * returns NSNotFound.
1023 */
1024 - (NSInteger)transactionIDFromCommand:(NSString*)command
1025 {
1026 NSRange occurrence = [command rangeOfString:@"-i "];
1027 if (occurrence.location == NSNotFound)
1028 return NSNotFound;
1029 NSString* transaction = [command substringFromIndex:occurrence.location + occurrence.length];
1030 return [transaction intValue];
1031 }
1033 @end