]> src.bluestatic.org Git - bugdar.git/blob - api_user.php
[bugdar.git] / api_user.php
1 <?php
2 /*=====================================================================*\
3 || ###################################################################
4 || # Bugdar [#]version[#]
5 || # Copyright ©2002-[#]year[#] Blue Static
6 || #
7 || # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 || # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 || # the Free Software Foundation; version [#]gpl[#] of the License.
10 || #
11 || # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 || # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13 || # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
14 || # more details.
15 || #
16 || # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 || # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 || # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 || ###################################################################
20 \*=====================================================================*/
22 $GLOBALS['isso:callback']->load('api', null);
24 require_once('./includes/functions_datastore.php');
25 require_once('./includes/class_sort.php');
27 /**
28 * API: User
29 *
30 * @author Blue Static
31 * @copyright Copyright ©2002 - [#]year[#], Blue Static
32 * @version $Revision$
33 * @package Bugdar
34 *
35 */
36 class UserAPI extends API
37 {
38 /**
39 * Database fields
40 * @var array
41 * @access private
42 */
43 var $fields = array(
44 'userid' => array(TYPE_UINT, REQ_AUTO, 'verify_nozero'),
45 'email' => array(TYPE_STR, REQ_YES, ':self'),
46 'displayname' => array(TYPE_STR, REQ_YES, ':self'),
47 'usergroupid' => array(TYPE_UINT, REQ_YES, ':self'),
48 'password' => array(TYPE_STR, REQ_YES),
49 'salt' => array(TYPE_STR, REQ_SET),
50 'authkey' => array(TYPE_STR, REQ_SET),
51 'showemail' => array(TYPE_BOOL, REQ_NO),
52 'showcolours' => array(TYPE_BOOL, REQ_NO),
53 'languageid' => array(TYPE_UINT, REQ_NO),
54 'timezone' => array(TYPE_INT, REQ_NO),
55 'usedst' => array(TYPE_BOOL, REQ_NO),
56 'hidestatuses' => array(TYPE_STR, REQ_NO, ':self'),
57 'defaultsortkey' => array(TYPE_STR, REQ_NO, ':self'),
58 'defaultsortas' => array(TYPE_STR, REQ_NO, ':self')
59 );
61 /**
62 * Database table
63 * @var string
64 * @access private
65 */
66 var $table = 'user';
68 /**
69 * Table prefix
70 * @var string
71 * @access private
72 */
73 var $prefix = TABLE_PREFIX;
75 // ###################################################################
76 /**
77 * Set field: salt
78 *
79 * @access private
80 */
81 function set_salt()
82 {
83 $this->set('salt', $this->registry->funct->rand(array(1, 15)));
84 }
86 // ###################################################################
87 /**
88 * Set field: authkey
89 *
90 * @access private
91 */
92 function set_authkey()
93 {
94 $this->set('authkey', $this->registry->funct->rand());
95 }
97 // ###################################################################
98 /**
99 * Pre-insert
100 *
101 * @access private
102 */
103 function pre_insert()
104 {
105 $this->set('password', md5(md5($this->values['password']) . md5($this->values['salt'])));
106 }
108 // ###################################################################
109 /**
110 * Post-insert
111 *
112 * @access protected
113 */
114 function post_insert()
115 {
116 $this->registry->db->query("
117 INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "useremail
118 (userid, mask, relation)
120 (" . $this->insertid . ", 2080, 0),
121 (" . $this->insertid . ", 1856, 1),
122 (" . $this->insertid . ", 1984, 2),
123 (" . $this->insertid . ", 1088, 4),
124 (" . $this->insertid . ", 320, 8),
125 (" . $this->insertid . ", 256, 16
126 )
127 ");
128 build_assignedto();
129 }
131 // ###################################################################
132 /**
133 * Verify: email
134 *
135 * @access private
136 */
137 function verify_email()
138 {
139 if (!is_bool($ne = $this->verify_noempty('email')))
140 {
141 return $ne;
142 }
144 if (!$this->registry->funct->is_valid_email($this->values['email']))
145 {
146 return $this->registry->lang->string('The specified email is invalid.');
147 }
148 if ($this->registry->db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE email = '" . $this->registry->db->escape_string($this->values['email']) . "' AND userid <> " . $this->values['userid']))
149 {
150 return $this->registry->lang->string('The specified email is already in use.');
151 }
152 return true;
153 }
155 // ###################################################################
156 /**
157 * Verify: displayname
158 *
159 * @access private
160 */
161 function verify_displayname()
162 {
163 if (!is_bool($ne = $this->verify_noempty('displayname')))
164 {
165 return $ne;
166 }
168 if ($this->registry->db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE displayname = '" . $this->registry->db->escape_string($this->values['displayname']) . "' AND userid <> " . $this->values['userid']))
169 {
170 return $this->registry->lang->string('That display name is already in use by another user.');
171 }
172 return true;
173 }
175 // ###################################################################
176 /**
177 * Verify: usergroupid
178 *
179 * @access private
180 */
181 function verify_usergroupid()
182 {
183 if (!isset($this->registry->datastore['usergroup'][ $this->values['usergroupid'] ]))
184 {
185 return false;
186 }
187 return true;
188 }
190 // ###################################################################
191 /**
192 * Pre-update
193 *
194 * @access private
195 */
196 function pre_update()
197 {
198 $this->set_condition();
199 $this->fetch();
201 if ($this->values['password'] == '')
202 {
203 $this->set('password', $this->objdata['password']);
204 }
205 else
206 {
207 $this->registry->debug("updating password = true");
208 $this->set('password', md5(md5($this->values['password']) . md5($this->objdata['salt'])));
209 }
210 }
212 // ###################################################################
213 /**
214 * Post-update
215 *
216 * @access protected
217 */
218 function post_update()
219 {
220 build_assignedto();
221 }
223 // ###################################################################
224 /**
225 * Pre-delete
226 *
227 * @access protected
228 */
229 function pre_delete()
230 {
231 if ($this->values['userid'] == $this->registry->userinfo['userid'])
232 {
233 $this->error($lang->string('You cannot delete your own account!'));
234 }
236 if ($this->values['usergroupid'] == 6)
237 {
238 $count = $this->registry->db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE usergroupid = 6 AND userid <> " . $this->values['userid']);
239 if ($count['count'] < 1)
240 {
241 $this->error($lang->string('At least one other administrator needs to be present before you can delete this user'));
242 }
243 }
244 }
246 // ###################################################################
247 /**
248 * Post-delete
249 *
250 * @todo Finish post-delete user data cleanup
251 *
252 * @access protected
253 */
254 function post_delete()
255 {
256 $this->registry->db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE userid = " . $this->values['userid']);
257 $this->registry->db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "favourite WHERE userid = " . $this->values['userid']);
258 $this->registry->db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "useractivation WHERE userid = " . $this->values['userid']);
259 $this->registry->db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "useremail WHERE userid = " . $this->values['userid']);
261 build_assignedto();
262 }
264 // ###################################################################
265 /**
266 * Verify: hidestatuses
267 *
268 * @access private
269 */
270 function verify_hidestatuses()
271 {
272 if (is_array($this->values['hidestatuses']))
273 {
274 $this->set('hidestatuses', implode(',', $this->values['hidestatuses']));
275 }
277 return true;
278 }
280 // ###################################################################
281 /**
282 * Verify: defaultsortkey
283 *
284 * @access private
285 */
286 function verify_defaultsortkey()
287 {
288 if (!ListSorter::fetch_by_text($this->values['defaultsortkey']))
289 {
290 return false;
291 }
293 return true;
294 }
296 // ###################################################################
297 /**
298 * Verify: defaultsortas
299 *
300 * @access private
301 */
302 function verify_defaultsortas()
303 {
304 if (!ListSorter::fetch_as_text($this->values['defaultsortas']))
305 {
306 return false;
307 }
309 return true;
310 }
311 }
313 /*=====================================================================*\
314 || ###################################################################
315 || # $HeadURL$
316 || # $Id$
317 || ###################################################################
318 \*=====================================================================*/
319 ?>