1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
2 <document type=
"com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.Cocoa.XIB" version=
"3.0" toolsVersion=
"14868" targetRuntime=
"MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl=
"none" useAutolayout=
"YES" customObjectInstantitationMethod=
4 <deployment identifier=
5 <plugIn identifier=
"com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version=
6 <capability name=
"documents saved in the Xcode 8 format" minToolsVersion=
9 <customObject id=
"-2" userLabel=
"File's Owner" customClass=
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"window" destination=
"QvC-M9-y7g" id=
14 <customObject id=
"-1" userLabel=
"First Responder" customClass=
15 <customObject id=
"-3" userLabel=
"Application" customClass=
16 <window title=
"File Access Needed" allowsToolTipsWhenApplicationIsInactive=
"NO" autorecalculatesKeyViewLoop=
"NO" restorable=
"NO" animationBehavior=
"default" id=
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"styleMask" titled=
"YES" closable=
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"title">In order to show the source code for file breakpoints, MacGDBp needs to be granted permission to read the files.
32 This is necessary because MacGDBp is sandboxed.
34 Granting access to the root of your PHP projects folder is the simplest approach. But you always have complete control in Preferences over the files MacGDBp can read.
35 <color key=
"textColor" name=
"labelColor" catalog=
"System" colorSpace=
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"backgroundColor" name=
"textBackgroundColor" catalog=
"System" colorSpace=
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"autoresizingMask" flexibleMinX=
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"cell" type=
"push" title=
"Open File Access Preferences" bezelStyle=
"rounded" alignment=
"center" borderStyle=
"border" imageScaling=
"proportionallyDown" inset=
"2" id=
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"behavior" pushIn=
"YES" lightByBackground=
"YES" lightByGray=
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"font" metaFont=
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"keyEquivalent" base64-UTF8=
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"openFileAccess:" target=
"-2" id=
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"750" id=
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"autoresizingMask" flexibleMinX=
"YES" flexibleMaxY=
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"cell" type=
"push" title=
"Not Now" bezelStyle=
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"border" imageScaling=
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"2" id=
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"cell" lineBreakMode=
"clipping" title=
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"labelColor" catalog=
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