Adding ViewSVN spec
[viewsvn.git] / includes / cachev.php
1 <?php
2 /*=====================================================================*\
3 || ###################################################################
4 || # ViewSVN [#]version[#]
5 || # Copyright ©2002-[#]year[#] Iris Studios, Inc.
6 || #
7 || # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 || # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 || # the Free Software Foundation; version [#]gpl[#] of the License.
10 || #
11 || # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 || # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13 || # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
14 || # more details.
15 || #
16 || # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 || # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 || # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 || ###################################################################
20 \*=====================================================================*/
22 /**
23 * File container for cacheV class
24 *
25 * @package ViewSVN
26 */
28 /**
29 * cacheV
30 *
31 * This class is responsible for interacting with a given cacheV table.
32 * It controls rebuilding from scratch, updates, and querying the cache.
33 *
34 * @author Iris Studios, Inc.
35 * @copyright Copyright ©2002 - [#]year[#], Iris Studios, Inc.
36 * @version $Revision$
37 * @package ViewSVN
38 *
39 */
40 class cacheV
41 {
42 /**
43 * The registry
44 * @var object
45 */
46 var $registry = null;
48 /**
49 * cacheV hash
50 * @var string
51 */
52 var $hash;
54 /**
55 * Record count - the number of records in cacheV
56 * @var integer
57 */
58 var $count;
60 /**
61 * Memcache for all fetched revisions so we don't have to query-dupe
62 * @var array
63 */
64 var $memcache = array();
66 // ###################################################################
67 /**
68 * Constructor: initialies the registry
69 */
70 function cacheV()
71 {
72 global $viewsvn;
73 $this->registry =& $viewsvn;
74 }
76 // ###################################################################
77 /**
78 * Sets the hash so we know what table we're dealing with
79 *
80 * @access public
81 */
82 function set_hash()
83 {
84 $this->hash = md5($this->registry->repos->fetch_path($this->registry->paths->repos));
85 }
87 // ###################################################################
88 /**
89 * Returns a specific log entry
90 *
91 * @access public
92 *
93 * @param integer Revision number
94 *
95 * @return array Complete revision/commit entry
96 */
97 function fetch_revision($revision)
98 {
99 $revision = $this->registry->clean($revision, TYPE_UINT);
101 if (!isset($this->memcache["$revision"]))
102 {
103 $this->memcache["$revision"] = $this->registry->db->query_first("SELECT * FROM {$this->hash} WHERE revision = $revision");
104 }
106 return $this->memcache["$revision"];
107 }
109 // ###################################################################
110 /**
111 * Checks to see if it's necessary to rebuild the cacheV table for the
112 * current repository. This is done by making sure $count > 0. If not,
113 * then rebuild() is run. This also checks against the cacheV table
114 * to make sure that it's up-to-date against the root repository.
115 *
116 * @access public
117 */
118 function exec_build()
119 {
120 $result = $this->registry->db->query_first("SELECT MAX(revision) AS max FROM {$this->hash}");
121 $this->count = $result['max'];
123 // time to go from the start
124 if ($this->count == 0)
125 {
126 $this->build(null);
127 }
128 else
129 {
130 // send an Xquery to SVN
131 $query = $this->registry->svn->svn('info --xml ' . $this->registry->repos->fetch_path($this->registry->paths->repos));
132 $query = implode("\n", $query);
134 $tree = $this->registry->xml->parse($query);
136 if ($tree['info']['entry']['revision'] != $this->count)
137 {
138 $this->build($this->count);
139 }
140 }
141 }
143 // ###################################################################
144 /**
145 * Builds the cacheV table. This can be used to build only part of the
146 * cache or the entire thing, if the revision is set to NULL.
147 *
148 * @access public
149 *
150 * @param integer Lower (current) revision
151 */
152 function build($revision)
153 {
154 $start = microtime();
156 $output = $this->registry->svn->svn('log --xml -v ' . ($revision !== null ? '-r' . $revision . ':HEAD ' : '') . $this->registry->repos->fetch_path($this->registry->paths->repos));
157 $output = implode("\n", $output);
159 $tree = $this->registry->xml->parse($output);
161 foreach ($tree['log']['logentry'] AS $log)
162 {
163 $this->registry->xml->unify_node($log['paths']['path']);
165 $inserts[] = "($log[revision], '{$log['author']['value']}', '{$log['date']['value']}', '" . $this->registry->escape($log['msg']['value']) . "', '" . $this->registry->escape(serialize($files)) . "')";
166 }
168 $this->registry->db->query("
169 REPLACE INTO {$this->hash}
170 (revision, author, dateline, message, files)
172 " . implode(",\n", $inserts)
173 );
175 $this->registry->debug("TIME TO (RE)BUILD: " . $this->registry->funct->fetch_microtime_diff($start));
176 }
177 }
179 /*=====================================================================*\
180 || ###################################################################
181 || # $HeadURL$
182 || # $Id$
183 || ###################################################################
184 \*=====================================================================*/
185 ?>