]> src.bluestatic.org Git - viewsvn.git/blob - includes/geshi/geshi/actionscript-french.php
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[viewsvn.git] / includes / geshi / geshi / actionscript-french.php
1 <?php
2 /*************************************************************************************
3 * actionscript.php
4 * ----------------
5 * Author: Steffen Krause (Steffen.krause@muse.de)
6 * Copyright: (c) 2004 Steffen Krause, Nigel McNie (http://qbnz.com/highlighter)
7 * Release Version:
8 * CVS Revision Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
9 * Date Started: 2004/06/20
10 * Last Modified: $Date: 2005/10/22 07:52:59 $
11 *
12 * Actionscript language file for GeSHi.
13 *
15 * -------
16 * 2005/08/25 (1.0.2)
17 * Author [ NikO ] - http://niko.informatif.org
18 * - add full link for myInstance.methods to http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash
19 * 2004/11/27 (1.0.1)
20 * - Added support for multiple object splitters
21 * 2004/10/27 (1.0.0)
22 * - First Release
23 *
24 * TODO (updated 2004/11/27)
25 * -------------------------
26 *
27 *************************************************************************************
28 *
29 * This file is part of GeSHi.
30 *
31 * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
32 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
33 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
34 * (at your option) any later version.
35 *
36 * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
37 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
39 * GNU General Public License for more details.
40 *
41 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
42 * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
43 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
44 *
45 ************************************************************************************/
47 $language_data = array (
48 'LANG_NAME' => 'Actionscript',
49 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '//', 2 => '#'),
50 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
52 'QUOTEMARKS' => array("'", '"'),
53 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
54 'KEYWORDS' => array(
55 1 => array(
56 '#include',
57 'for',
58 'foreach',
59 'if',
60 'elseif',
61 'else',
62 'while',
63 'do',
64 'dowhile',
65 'endwhile',
66 'endif',
67 'switch',
68 'case',
69 'endswitch',
70 'break',
71 'continue',
72 'in',
73 'null',
74 'false',
75 'true',
76 'var',
77 'default',
78 'new',
79 '_global',
80 'undefined',
81 'super'
82 ),
83 2 => array(
84 'static',
85 'private',
86 'public',
87 'class',
88 'extends',
89 'implements',
90 'import',
91 'return',
92 'trace',
93 '_quality',
94 '_root',
95 'set',
96 'setInterval',
97 'setProperty',
98 'stopAllSounds',
99 'targetPath',
100 'this',
101 'typeof',
102 'unescape',
103 'updateAfterEvent'
104 ),
105 3 => array (
106 'Accessibility',
107 'Array',
108 'Boolean',
109 'Button',
110 'Camera',
111 'Color',
112 'ContextMenuItem',
113 'ContextMenu',
114 'Cookie',
115 'Date',
116 'Error',
117 'function',
118 'FWEndCommand',
119 'FWJavascript',
120 'Key',
121 'LoadMovieNum',
122 'LoadMovie',
123 'LoadVariablesNum',
124 'LoadVariables',
125 'LoadVars',
126 'LocalConnection',
127 'Math',
128 'Microphone',
129 'MMExecute',
130 'MMEndCommand',
131 'MMSave',
132 'Mouse',
133 'MovieClipLoader',
134 'MovieClip',
135 'NetConnexion',
136 'NetStream',
137 'Number',
138 'Object',
139 'printAsBitmapNum',
140 'printNum',
141 'printAsBitmap',
142 'printJob',
143 'print',
144 'Selection',
145 'SharedObject',
146 'Sound',
147 'Stage',
148 'String',
149 'System',
150 'TextField',
151 'TextFormat',
152 'Tween',
153 'Video',
154 'XMLUI',
155 'XMLNode',
156 'XMLSocket',
157 'XML'
158 ),
159 4 => array (
160 'isactive',
161 'updateProperties'
162 ),
163 5 => array (
164 'callee',
165 'caller',
166 ),
167 6 => array (
168 'concat',
169 'join',
170 'pop',
171 'push',
172 'reverse',
173 'shift',
174 'slice',
175 'sort',
176 'sortOn',
177 'splice',
178 'toString',
179 'unshift'
180 ),
181 7 => array (
182 'valueOf'
183 ),
184 8 => array (
185 'onDragOut',
186 'onDragOver',
187 'onKeyUp',
188 'onKillFocus',
189 'onPress',
190 'onRelease',
191 'onReleaseOutside',
192 'onRollOut',
193 'onRollOver',
194 'onSetFocus'
195 ),
196 9 => array (
197 'setMode',
198 'setMotionLevel',
199 'setQuality',
200 'activityLevel',
201 'bandwidth',
202 'currentFps',
203 'fps',
204 'index',
205 'motionLevel',
206 'motionTimeOut',
207 'muted',
208 'names',
209 'quality',
210 'onActivity',
211 'onStatus'
212 ),
213 10 => array (
214 'getRGB',
215 'setRGB',
216 'getTransform',
217 'setTransform'
218 ),
219 11 => array (
220 'caption',
221 'enabled',
222 'separatorBefore',
223 'visible',
224 'onSelect'
225 ),
226 12 => array (
227 'setCookie',
228 'getcookie'
229 ),
230 13 => array (
231 'hideBuiltInItems',
232 'builtInItems',
233 'customItems',
234 'onSelect'
235 ),
236 14 => array (
237 'CustomActions.get',
238 'CustomActions.install',
239 'CustomActions.list',
240 'CustomActions.uninstall',
241 ),
242 15 => array (
243 'getDate',
244 'getDay',
245 'getFullYear',
246 'getHours',
247 'getMilliseconds',
248 'getMinutes',
249 'getMonth',
250 'getSeconds',
251 'getTime',
252 'getTimezoneOffset',
253 'getUTCDate',
254 'getUTCDay',
255 'getUTCFullYear',
256 'getUTCHours',
257 'getUTCMinutes',
258 'getUTCMilliseconds',
259 'getUTCMonth',
260 'getUTCSeconds',
261 'getYear',
262 'setDate',
263 'setFullYear',
264 'setHours',
265 'setMilliseconds',
266 'setMinutes',
267 'setMonth',
268 'setSeconds',
269 'setTime',
270 'setUTCDate',
271 'setUTCDay',
272 'setUTCFullYear',
273 'setUTCHours',
274 'setUTCMinutes',
275 'setUTCMilliseconds',
276 'setUTCMonth',
277 'setUTCSeconds',
278 'setYear',
279 'UTC'
280 ),
281 16 => array (
282 'message',
283 'name',
284 'throw',
285 'try',
286 'catch',
287 'finally'
288 ),
289 17 => array (
290 'apply',
291 'call'
292 ),
293 18 => array (
296 'CONTROL',
298 'DOWN',
299 'END',
300 'ENTER',
301 'ESCAPE',
302 'getAscii',
303 'getCode',
304 'HOME',
305 'INSERT',
306 'isDown',
307 'isToggled',
308 'LEFT',
309 'onKeyDown',
310 'onKeyUp',
311 'PGDN',
312 'PGUP',
313 'RIGHT',
314 'SPACE',
315 'TAB',
316 'UP'
317 ),
318 19 => array (
319 'addRequestHeader',
320 'contentType',
321 'decode'
322 ),
323 20 => array (
324 'allowDomain',
325 'allowInsecureDomain',
326 'close',
327 'domain'
328 ),
329 21 => array (
330 'abs',
331 'acos',
332 'asin',
333 'atan',
334 'atan2',
335 'ceil',
336 'cos',
337 'exp',
338 'floor',
339 'log',
340 'LN2',
341 'LN10',
342 'LOG2E',
343 'LOG10E',
344 'max',
345 'min',
346 'PI',
347 'pow',
348 'random',
349 'sin',
350 'SQRT1_2',
351 'sqrt',
352 'tan',
353 'round',
354 'SQRT2'
355 ),
356 22 => array (
357 'activityLevel',
358 'muted',
359 'names',
360 'onActivity',
361 'onStatus',
362 'setRate',
363 'setGain',
364 'gain',
365 'rate',
366 'setSilenceLevel',
367 'setUseEchoSuppression',
368 'silenceLevel',
369 'silenceTimeOut',
370 'useEchoSuppression'
371 ),
372 23 => array (
373 'hide',
374 'onMouseDown',
375 'onMouseMove',
376 'onMouseUp',
377 'onMouseWeel',
378 'show'
379 ),
380 24 => array (
381 '_alpha',
382 'attachAudio',
383 'attachMovie',
384 'beginFill',
385 'beginGradientFill',
386 'clear',
387 'createEmptyMovieClip',
388 'createTextField',
389 '_current',
390 'curveTo',
391 '_dropTarget',
392 'duplicateMovieClip',
393 'endFill',
394 'focusEnabled',
395 'enabled',
396 '_focusrec',
397 '_framesLoaded',
398 'getBounds',
399 'getBytesLoaded',
400 'getBytesTotal',
401 'getDepth',
402 'getInstanceAtDepth',
403 'getNextHighestDepth',
404 'getSWFVersion',
405 'getTextSnapshot',
406 'getURL',
407 'globalToLocal',
408 'gotoAndPlay',
409 'gotoAndStop',
410 '_height',
411 'hitArea',
412 'hitTest',
413 'lineStyle',
414 'lineTo',
415 'localToGlobal',
416 '_lockroot',
417 'menu',
418 'onUnload',
419 '_parent',
420 'play',
421 'prevFrame',
422 '_quality',
423 'removeMovieClip',
424 '_rotation',
425 'setMask',
426 '_soundbuftime',
427 'startDrag',
428 'stopDrag',
429 'stop',
430 'swapDepths',
431 'tabChildren',
432 '_target',
433 '_totalFrames',
434 'trackAsMenu',
435 'unloadMovie',
436 'useHandCursor',
437 '_visible',
438 '_width',
439 '_xmouse',
440 '_xscale',
441 '_x',
442 '_ymouse',
443 '_yscale',
444 '_y'
445 ),
446 25 => array (
447 'getProgress',
448 'loadClip',
449 'onLoadComplete',
450 'onLoadError',
451 'onLoadInit',
452 'onLoadProgress',
453 'onLoadStart'
454 ),
455 26 => array (
456 'bufferLength',
457 'currentFps',
458 'seek',
459 'setBufferTime',
460 'bufferTime',
461 'time',
462 'pause'
463 ),
464 27 => array (
465 'MAX_VALUE',
466 'MIN_VALUE',
469 ),
470 28 => array (
471 'addProperty',
472 'constructor',
473 '__proto__',
474 'registerClass',
475 '__resolve',
476 'unwatch',
477 'watch',
478 'onUpDate'
479 ),
480 29 => array (
481 'addPage'
482 ),
483 30 => array (
484 'getBeginIndex',
485 'getCaretIndex',
486 'getEndIndex',
487 'setSelection'
488 ),
489 31 => array (
490 'flush',
491 'getLocal',
492 'getSize'
493 ),
494 32 => array (
495 'attachSound',
496 'duration',
497 'getPan',
498 'getVolume',
499 'onID3',
500 'loadSound',
501 'id3',
502 'onSoundComplete',
503 'position',
504 'setPan',
505 'setVolume'
506 ),
507 33 => array (
508 'getBeginIndex',
509 'getCaretIndex',
510 'getEndIndex',
511 'setSelection'
512 ),
513 34 => array (
514 'getEndIndex',
515 ),
516 35 => array (
517 'align',
518 'height',
519 'width',
520 'onResize',
521 'scaleMode',
522 'showMenu'
523 ),
524 36 => array (
525 'charAt',
526 'charCodeAt',
527 'concat',
528 'fromCharCode',
529 'indexOf',
530 'lastIndexOf',
531 'substr',
532 'substring',
533 'toLowerCase',
534 'toUpperCase'
535 ),
536 37 => array (
537 'avHardwareDisable',
538 'hasAccessibility',
539 'hasAudioEncoder',
540 'hasAudio',
541 'hasEmbeddedVideo',
542 'hasMP3',
543 'hasPrinting',
544 'hasScreenBroadcast',
545 'hasScreenPlayback',
546 'hasStreamingAudio',
547 'hasStreamingVideo',
548 'hasVideoEncoder',
549 'isDebugger',
550 'language',
551 'localFileReadDisable',
552 'manufacturer',
553 'os',
554 'pixelAspectRatio',
555 'playerType',
556 'screenColor',
557 'screenDPI',
558 'screenResolutionX',
559 'screenResolutionY',
560 'serverString',
561 'version'
562 ),
563 38 => array (
564 'allowDomain',
565 'allowInsecureDomain',
566 'loadPolicyFile'
567 ),
568 39 => array (
569 'exactSettings',
570 'setClipboard',
571 'showSettings',
572 'useCodepage'
573 ),
574 40 => array (
575 'getStyle',
576 'getStyleNames',
577 'parseCSS',
578 'setStyle',
579 'transform'
580 ),
581 41 => array (
582 'autoSize',
583 'background',
584 'backgroundColor',
585 'border',
586 'borderColor',
587 'bottomScroll',
588 'condenseWhite',
589 'embedFonts',
590 'getFontList',
591 'getNewTextFormat',
592 'getTextFormat',
593 'hscroll',
594 'htmlText',
595 'html',
596 'maxChars',
597 'maxhscroll',
598 'maxscroll',
599 'mouseWheelEnabled',
600 'multiline',
601 'onScroller',
602 'password',
603 'removeTextField',
604 'replaceSel',
605 'replaceText',
606 'restrict',
607 'scroll',
608 'selectable',
609 'setNewTextFormat',
610 'setTextFormat',
611 'styleSheet',
612 'tabEnabled',
613 'tabIndex',
614 'textColor',
615 'textHeight',
616 'textWidth',
617 'text',
618 'type',
619 '_url',
620 'variable',
621 'wordWrap'
622 ),
623 42 => array (
624 'blockIndent',
625 'bold',
626 'bullet',
627 'font',
628 'getTextExtent',
629 'indent',
630 'italic',
631 'leading',
632 'leftMargin',
633 'rightMargin',
634 'size',
635 'tabStops',
636 'underline'
637 ),
638 43 => array (
639 'findText',
640 'getCount',
641 'getSelected',
642 'getSelectedText',
643 'getText',
644 'hitTestTextNearPos',
645 'setSelectColor',
646 'setSelected'
647 ),
648 44 => array (
649 'begin',
650 'change',
651 'continueTo',
652 'fforward',
653 'finish',
654 'func',
655 'FPS',
656 'getPosition',
657 'isPlaying',
658 'looping',
659 'obj',
660 'onMotionChanged',
661 'onMotionFinished',
662 'onMotionLooped',
663 'onMotionStarted',
664 'onMotionResumed',
665 'onMotionStopped',
666 'prop',
667 'rewind',
668 'resume',
669 'setPosition',
670 'time',
671 'userSeconds',
672 'yoyo'
673 ),
674 45 => array (
675 'attachVideo',
676 'deblocking',
677 'smoothing'
678 ),
679 46 => array (
680 'addRequestHeader',
681 'appendChild',
682 'attributes',
683 'childNodes',
684 'cloneNode',
685 'contentType',
686 'createElement',
687 'createTextNode',
688 'docTypeDecl',
689 'firstChild',
690 'hasChildNodes',
691 'ignoreWhite',
692 'insertBefore',
693 'lastChild',
694 'nextSibling',
695 'nodeName',
696 'nodeType',
697 'nodeValue',
698 'parentNode',
699 'parseXML',
700 'previousSibling',
701 'removeNode',
702 'xmlDecl'
703 ),
704 47 => array (
705 'onClose',
706 'onXML'
707 ),
708 48 => array (
709 'add',
710 'and',
711 '_highquality',
712 'chr',
713 'eq',
714 'ge',
715 'ifFrameLoaded',
716 'int',
717 'le',
718 'it',
719 'mbchr',
720 'mblength',
721 'mbord',
722 'ne',
723 'not',
724 'or',
725 'ord',
726 'tellTarget',
727 'toggleHighQuality'
728 ),
729 49 => array (
730 'ASSetPropFlags',
731 'ASnative',
732 'ASconstructor',
733 'AsSetupError',
734 'FWEndCommand',
735 'FWJavascript',
736 'MMEndCommand',
737 'MMSave',
738 'XMLUI'
739 ),
740 50 => array (
741 'System.capabilities'
742 ),
743 51 => array (
744 'System.security'
745 ),
746 52 => array (
747 'TextField.StyleSheet'
748 )
749 ),
750 'SYMBOLS' => array(
751 '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '!', '@', '%', '&', '*', '|', '/', '<', '>','='
752 ),
753 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
754 GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
755 1 => true,
756 2 => true,
757 3 => true,
758 4 => true,
759 5 => true,
760 6 => true,
761 7 => true,
762 8 => true,
763 9 => true,
764 10 => true,
765 11 => true,
766 12 => true,
767 13 => true,
768 14 => true,
769 15 => true,
770 16 => true,
771 17 => true,
772 18 => true,
773 19 => true,
774 20 => true,
775 21 => true,
776 22 => true,
777 23 => true,
778 24 => true,
779 25 => true,
780 26 => true,
781 27 => true,
782 28 => true,
783 29 => true,
784 30 => true,
785 31 => true,
786 32 => true,
787 33 => true,
788 34 => true,
789 35 => true,
790 36 => true,
791 37 => true,
792 38 => true,
793 39 => true,
794 40 => true,
795 41 => true,
796 42 => true,
797 43 => true,
798 44 => true,
799 45 => true,
800 46 => true,
801 47 => true,
802 48 => true,
803 49 => true,
804 50 => true,
805 51 => true,
806 52 => true
807 ),
808 'STYLES' => array(
809 'KEYWORDS' => array(
810 1 => 'color: #0000ff;',
811 2 => 'color: #006600;',
812 3 => 'color: #000080;',
813 4 => 'color: #006600;',
814 5 => 'color: #006600;',
815 6 => 'color: #006600;',
816 7 => 'color: #006600;',
817 8 => 'color: #006600;',
818 9 => 'color: #006600;',
819 10 => 'color: #006600;',
820 11 => 'color: #006600;',
821 12 => 'color: #006600;',
822 13 => 'color: #006600;',
823 14 => 'color: #006600;',
824 15 => 'color: #006600;',
825 16 => 'color: #006600;',
826 17 => 'color: #006600;',
827 18 => 'color: #006600;',
828 19 => 'color: #006600;',
829 20 => 'color: #006600;',
830 21 => 'color: #006600;',
831 22 => 'color: #006600;',
832 23 => 'color: #006600;',
833 24 => 'color: #006600;',
834 25 => 'color: #006600;',
835 26 => 'color: #006600;',
836 27 => 'color: #006600;',
837 28 => 'color: #006600;',
838 29 => 'color: #006600;',
839 30 => 'color: #006600;',
840 31 => 'color: #006600;',
841 32 => 'color: #006600;',
842 33 => 'color: #006600;',
843 34 => 'color: #006600;',
844 35 => 'color: #006600;',
845 36 => 'color: #006600;',
846 37 => 'color: #006600;',
847 38 => 'color: #006600;',
848 39 => 'color: #006600;',
849 40 => 'color: #006600;',
850 41 => 'color: #006600;',
851 42 => 'color: #006600;',
852 43 => 'color: #006600;',
853 44 => 'color: #006600;',
854 45 => 'color: #006600;',
855 46 => 'color: #006600;',
856 47 => 'color: #006600;',
857 48 => 'color: #CC0000;',
858 49 => 'color: #5700d1;',
859 50 => 'color: #006600;',
860 51 => 'color: #006600;',
861 52 => 'color: #CC0000;'
862 ),
863 'COMMENTS' => array(
864 1 => 'color: #ff8000; font-style: italic;',
865 2 => 'color: #ff8000; font-style: italic;',
866 'MULTI' => 'color: #ff8000; font-style: italic;'
867 ),
868 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
869 0 => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;'
870 ),
871 'BRACKETS' => array(
872 0 => 'color: #333333;'
873 ),
874 'STRINGS' => array(
875 0 => 'color: #333333; background-color: #eeeeee;'
876 ),
877 'NUMBERS' => array(
878 0 => 'color: #c50000;'
879 ),
881 'SYMBOLS' => array(
882 0 => 'color: #000000;'
883 ),
884 'METHODS' => array(
885 1 => 'color: #006600;'
886 ),
887 'REGEXPS' => array(
888 ),
889 'SCRIPT' => array(
890 )
891 ),
892 'URLS' => array(
893 1 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/{FNAME}',
894 2 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/{FNAME}',
895 3 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/{FNAME}',
896 4 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/accessibility/{FNAME}',
897 5 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/arguments/{FNAME}',
898 6 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/array/{FNAME}',
899 7 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/boolean/{FNAME}',
900 8 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/button/{FNAME}',
901 9 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/camera/{FNAME}',
902 10 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/color/{FNAME}',
903 11 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/contextmenuitem/{FNAME}',
904 12 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/contextmenu/{FNAME}',
905 13 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/cookie/{FNAME}',
906 14 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/customactions/{FNAME}',
907 15 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/date/{FNAME}',
908 16 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/error/{FNAME}',
909 17 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/function/{FNAME}',
910 18 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/key/{FNAME}',
911 19 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/loadvars/{FNAME}',
912 20 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/localconnection/{FNAME}',
913 21 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/math/{FNAME}',
914 22 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/microphone/{FNAME}',
915 23 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/mouse/{FNAME}',
916 24 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/movieclip/{FNAME}',
917 25 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/moviecliploader/{FNAME}',
918 26 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/netstream/{FNAME}',
919 27 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/number/{FNAME}',
920 28 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/object/{FNAME}',
921 29 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/printJob/{FNAME}',
922 30 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/selection/{FNAME}',
923 31 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/sharedobject/{FNAME}',
924 32 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/sound/{FNAME}',
925 33 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/selection/{FNAME}',
926 34 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/sharedobject/{FNAME}',
927 35 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/stage/{FNAME}',
928 36 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/string/{FNAME}',
929 37 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/system/capabilities/{FNAME}',
930 38 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/system/security/{FNAME}',
931 39 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/system/{FNAME}',
932 40 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/textfield/stylesheet/{FNAME}',
933 41 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/textfield/{FNAME}',
934 42 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/textformat/{FNAME}',
935 43 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/textsnapshot/{FNAME}',
936 44 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/tween/{FNAME}',
937 45 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/video/{FNAME}',
938 46 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/xml/{FNAME}',
939 47 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/xmlsocket/{FNAME}',
940 48 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/{FNAME}',
941 49 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/{FNAME}',
942 50 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/system/capabilities',
943 51 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/system/security',
944 52 => 'http://wiki.media-box.net/documentation/flash/textfield/stylesheet'
945 ),
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948 1 => '.'
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951 ),
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955 );
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