templateDir = BSFunctions::FetchSourcePath($dir);
// ###################################################################
* Sets the file extension for the templates
* @param string File extension
public function setExtension($ext)
$this->extension = $ext;
// ###################################################################
* Sets the name of the table to access for the datbase cache
* @param string DB table name
public function setDatabaseCache($table)
$this->dbCacheTable = $table;
// ###################################################################
* Sets the pre-parse hook method which is called before any other
* processing is done on the template.
* @param string Method name
public function setPreParseHook($hook)
$this->preParseHook = $hook;
// ###################################################################
* Takes an array of template names, loads them, and then stores a
* parsed version for optimum speed.
* @param array List of template names to be cached
public function cache($namearray)
if (sizeof($this->cache) > 0)
throw new Exception('You cannot cache templates more than once per initialization');
$dbCache = array();
if ($this->dbCacheTable)
$db =& BSApp::GetType('Db');
$cache = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$this->dbCacheTable} WHERE filename IN ('" . implode("', '", $namearray) . "')");
while ($tpl = $db->fetchArray($cache))
$time = filemtime(BSApp::GetAppPath() . $this->templateDir . $tpl['filename'] . '.' . $this->extension);
$template = $tpl['template'];
if ($time > $tpl['timestamp'])
$template = $this->_parseTemplate($this->_loadTemplate($tpl['filename']));
$db->query("UPDATE {$this->dbCacheTable} SET template = '" . $db->escapeString($template) . "', timestamp = " . TIMENOW . " WHERE filename = '" . $tpl['filename'] . "'");
$tpl['template'] = $template;
$dbCache["$tpl[filename]"] = $template;
foreach ($namearray AS $name)
if ($this->dbCacheTable)
if (isset($dbCache["$name"]))
$template = $dbCache["$name"];
$template = $this->_parseTemplate($this->_loadTemplate($name));
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$this->dbCacheTable} (filename, template, timestamp) VALUES ('$name', '" . $db->escapeString($template) . "', " . TIMENOW . ")");
$template = $this->_parseTemplate($this->_loadTemplate($name));
$this->cache["$name"] = $template;
$this->usage["$name"] = 0;
// ###################################################################
* Loads a template from the cache or the _load function and stores the
* parsed version of it
* @param string The name of the template
* @return string A parsed and loaded template
public function fetch($name)
if (isset($this->cache["$name"]))
$template = $this->cache["$name"];
$this->uncached[] = $name;
BSApp::Debug("Manually loading template '$name'");
$template = $this->_loadTemplate($name);
$template = $this->_parseTemplate($template);
if (!isset($this->usage["$name"]))
$this->usage["$name"] = 0;
return $template;
// ###################################################################
* Output a template fully compiled to the browser
* @param string Compiled and ready template
public function flush($template)
if (empty($template))
throw new Exception('There was no output to print');
if ($this->doneflush)
throw new Exception('A template has already been sent to the output buffer');
$debugBlock = '';
if (BSApp::GetDebug())
if (defined('SVN') AND preg_match('#^\$Id:?#', constant('SVN')))
$debugBlock .= preg_replace('#\$' . 'Id: (.+?) ([0-9].+?) [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(.+?) (.+?) \$#', "\n
\n" . '
Query Debug |
$debugBlock .= "\n\t\t\t$query[query]\n\n\t\t\t ($query[time]) \n\n\t\t | \n\t