Phrase Registry Converter

Pick a phrase from the phrase registry and enter in a varname and a comment (optional). The converter will remove it from the phrase registry and add it to the language system. It will also fill in the md5 field and comment field in the language system.

in['do'] == 'convert') { foreach ($bugsys->in['phrases'] AS $md5 => $phrase) { if ($phrase['varname'] AND $phrase['phrasetext']) { $db->query(" REPLACE INTO phrase (varname, phrasetext, md5, comment) VALUES ('" . $phrase['varname'] . "', '" . $phrase['phrasetext'] . "', '" . $md5 . "', '" . $phrase['comment'] . "' )" ); $db->query("DELETE FROM phraseregistry WHERE md5 = '" . $md5 . "'"); } } echo 'Converted phrase registry items. Continue...'; exit; } ?>
query("SELECT * FROM phraseregistry"); while ($phrase = $db->fetch_array($registry)) { $phrase['text_clean'] = htmlspecialchars($phrase['phrasetext']); echo << HTML; } ?>
Phrase Text Varname Comment