Mail Test

This tool will run a few email tests to make sure that emailing works. Follow the instructions below.

in['__submit__'])) { ?>

Email Addresses

Enter in the following email addresses for sending and receiving.

Email address to receieve all tests:

An email address that exists on the mail server that is not the one receiving the tests:

setFromName('Bugdar Mailing Test'); $mail->setSubject('Email Tests'); if (empty($input->in['receive']) OR empty($input->in['sender']) OR !BSFunctions::is_valid_email($input->in['receive']) OR !BSFunctions::is_valid_email($input->in['sender'])) { echo '

You did not fill in all the fields or the email addresses are not valid. Please go back.

'; } else { // normal Bugdar mailing $mail->setBodyText(sprintf($text, 1, 'sending with the Bugdar-configured address')); $mail->setFromAddress(bugdar::$options['webmasteremail']); $mail->send($input->in['receive']); // mail from the alternate address $mail->setBodyText(sprintf($text, 2, 'sending from the address you specified that exists on the mail server')); $mail->setFromAddress($input->in['sender']); $mail->send($input->in['receive']); // mail from self $mail->setBodyText(sprintf($text, 3, 'sending from the receiving address')); $mail->setFromAddress($input->in['receive']); $mail->send($input->in['receive']); // mail from non-existent $mail->setBodyText(sprintf($text, 4, 'sending from a non-existent address')); $mail->setFromAddress(preg_replace('#(.*)@(.*)#', 'bugdar-mail-test@\2', $input->in['receive'])); $mail->send($input->in['receive']); ?>


All the test emails were sent to in['receive'] ?>. Please check that you received all 4 tests.


Mail Test: $Revision$
Sendmail (From): ""
Sendmail (Path): ""