menu from an array
// key vars are used when you need to get data out of the $label array
function construct_option_select($name, $array, $selected = 0, $valuekey = '', $labelkey = '', $includenil = false)
// if we're not working on a boolean false, we use it for the value (allows -1 and 0)
if ($includenil !== false)
$opts[] = '';
foreach ($array AS $value => $label)
$opts[] = '';
return '";
// ################### Start construct_user_display ##################
// $userinfo needs userid, email, displayname, and showemail
function construct_user_display($userinfo, $userid = true)
return "$userinfo[displayname]" . (($userinfo['showemail']) ? " <$userinfo[email]>" : '') . (($userid) ? " (userid: $userinfo[userid])" : '');
// ######################## Start can_perform ########################
// short-hand for bitwise &
function can_perform($bitmask, $userinfo = null)
global $_PERMISSION;
if (!isset($_PERMISSION["$bitmask"]))
trigger_error('Invalid bitmask "' . $bitmask . '" specified for can_perform() [includes/functions.php]', E_USER_WARNING);
if (!$userinfo)
global $bugsys;
return ($bugsys->userinfo['permissions'] & $_PERMISSION["$bitmask"]);
return ($userinfo['permissions'] & $_PERMISSION["bitmask"]);
// #################### Start construct_pcv_select ###################
// constructs a product/component/version select with one go :-)
// NB: need to make sure we have the option to turn off just p/c selection without v
function construct_pcv_select($select = '', $prefix = ' ')
global $bugsys;
static $HTML;
if ($HTML)
return $HTML;
$selected = ' checked="checked"';
$products_fetch = $bugsys->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "product ORDER BY displayorder ASC");
while ($product = $bugsys->db->fetch_array($products_fetch))
if ($product['componentmother'])
$components["$product[componentmother]"]["$product[productid]"] = $product;
$products["$product[productid]"] = $product;
$versions_fetch = $bugsys->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "version ORDER BY displayorder");
while ($version = $bugsys->db->fetch_array($versions_fetch))
$versions["$version[productid]"]["$version[versionid]"] = $version;
foreach ($products AS $product)
$row['prefix'] = '';
$valuepfx = "p$product[productid]";
$row['value'] = "{$valuepfx}c0v0";
$row['title'] = "$product[title]";
$row['description'] = $product['description'];
$show['input'] = false;
eval('$HTML .= "' . $bugsys->template->fetch('pcv_select_row') . '";');
$HTML .= construct_pcv_select_global_version($product['productid'], 0, $versions, $prefix, $select);
if (is_array($versions["$product[productid]"]))
foreach ($versions["$product[productid]"] AS $version)
$row['prefix'] = $prefix . $prefix;
$row['value'] = "{$valuepfx}c0v$version[versionid]";
$row['title'] = $version['version'];
$row['selected'] = (($select == $row['value']) ? $selected : '');
$row['description'] = '';
$show['input'] = true;
eval('$HTML .= "' . $bugsys->template->fetch('pcv_select_row') . '";');
if (is_array($components["$product[productid]"]))
foreach ($components["$product[productid]"] AS $component)
$row['prefix'] = $prefix;
$valuepfx .= "c$component[productid]";
$row['value'] = "{$valuepfx}v0";
$row['selected'] = (($select == $row['value']) ? $selected : '');
$row['title'] = "$component[title]";
$row['description'] = $component['description'];
$show['input'] = false;
eval('$HTML .= "' . $bugsys->template->fetch('pcv_select_row') . '";');
$HTML .= construct_pcv_select_global_version($component['componentmother'], $component['productid'], $versions, $prefix, $select);
if (is_array($versions["$component[productid]"]))
foreach ($versions["$component[productid]"] AS $version)
$show['input'] = true;
$row['prefix'] = $prefix . $prefix;
$row['value'] = "{$valuepfx}v$version[versionid]";
$row['selected'] = (($select == $row['value']) ? $selected : '');
$row['title'] = $version['version'];
$row['description'] = '';
eval('$HTML .= "' . $bugsys->template->fetch('pcv_select_row') . '";');
return $HTML;
// ############ Start construct_pcv_select_global_version ############
function construct_pcv_select_global_version($product = 0, $component = 0, $versions = array(), $prefix = '', $select = '')
global $bugsys;
if (is_array($versions['0']))
foreach ($versions['0'] AS $version)
$row['prefix'] = $prefix . $prefix;
$row['typeselect'] = $type;
$row['value'] = "p{$product}c{$component}v$version[versionid]";
$row['selected'] = (($select == $row['value']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '');
$row['title'] = $version['version'];
$row['description'] = '';
$show['input'] = true;
eval('$global_versions_html .= "' . $bugsys->template->fetch('pcv_select_row') . '";');
return $global_versions_html;
// ###################### Start parse_pcv_select #####################
function parse_pcv_select($input, $validate = false)
global $bugsys;
$input = trim($input);
yummy regex tests....
var_dump(preg_match('#^p(\d+?)c(\d+?)v(\d+?)$#', $input));
var_dump(preg_match('#^p(\d.+?)c(\d.+?)v(\d.+?)$#', $input));
var_dump(preg_match('#^p([0-9]+?)c([0-9]+?)v([0-9]+?)$#', $input));
var_dump(preg_match('#^p([0-9].+?)c([0-9].+?)v([0-9].+?)$#', $input));
if (preg_match('#^p(\d+?)c(\d+?)v(\d+?)$#', $input) == 0)
return false;
$trio = preg_split('#(p|c|v)#i', $input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (count($trio) != 3)
return false;
$pcv = array('product' => intval($trio[0]), 'component' => intval($trio[1]), 'version' => intval($trio[2]));
if (!$validate)
return $return;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// pcv validation
$product = $bugsys->datastore['product'][ $pcv['product'] ];
if (!$product)
return false;
$version = $bugsys->datastore['version'][ $pcv['version'] ];
if (!$version)
return false;
// no component
if ($pcv['component'] == 0)
// not global version and version.productid != product.productid
if ($version['productid'] != 0 AND $version['productid'] != $product['productid'])
return false;
// using a component
$component = $bugsys->datastore['product'][ $pcv['component'] ];
// component has the right mother
if ($component['componentmother'] == $product['productid'])
// version.productid != {component.productid | product.productid}
if (($version['productid'] != $component['productid'] AND $version['productid'] != $product['productid']) AND $version['productid'] != 0)
return false;
return false;
return $pcv;
// ################# Start construct_datastore_select ################
// loops through the specified datastore to create