// // Armadillo File Manager // Copyright (c) 2010, Robert Sesek // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software // Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. // package server import ( "fmt" "http" "io" "json" "os" "path" "strings" "./config" "./paths" ) var dir, file = path.Split(path.Clean(os.Getenv("_"))) var kFrontEndFiles string = path.Join(dir, "fe") var gConfig *config.Configuration = nil func indexHandler(connection *http.Conn, request *http.Request) { fd, err := os.Open(path.Join(kFrontEndFiles, "index.html"), os.O_RDONLY, 0) if err != nil { fmt.Print("Error opening file ", err.String(), "\n") return } io.Copy(connection, fd) } func serviceHandler(connection *http.Conn, request *http.Request) { if request.Method != "POST" { io.WriteString(connection, "Error: Not a POST request") return } switch request.FormValue("action") { case "list": files, err := paths.List(request.FormValue("path")) if err != nil { errorResponse(connection, err.String()) } else { okResponse(connection, files) } case "remove": err := paths.Remove(request.FormValue("path")) if err != nil { errorResponse(connection, err.String()) } else { response := map[string] int { "error" : 0, } okResponse(connection, response) } case "move": source := request.FormValue("source") target := request.FormValue("target") err := paths.Move(source, target) if err != nil { errorResponse(connection, err.String()) } else { response := map[string] string { "path" : target, } okResponse(connection, response) } default: errorResponse(connection, "Unhandled action") } } func proxyHandler(connection *http.Conn, request *http.Request) { url := request.FormValue("url") if len(url) < 1 { return } for i := range gConfig.ProxyURLs { allowedURL := gConfig.ProxyURLs[i] io.WriteString(connection, allowedURL) } } func errorResponse(connection *http.Conn, message string) { message = strings.Replace(message, paths.JailRoot, "/", -1) response := map[string] string { "error" : "-1", "message" : message, } json_data, err := json.Marshal(response) connection.SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/json") if err != nil { io.WriteString(connection, "{\"error\":\"-9\",\"message\":\"Internal encoding error\"}") } else { connection.Write(json_data) } } func okResponse(connection *http.Conn, data interface{}) { connection.SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/json") json_data, err := json.Marshal(data) if err != nil { errorResponse(connection, "Internal encoding error") } else { connection.Write(json_data) } } func RunFrontEnd(config *config.Configuration) { mux := http.NewServeMux() mux.HandleFunc("/", indexHandler) mux.Handle("/fe/", http.FileServer(kFrontEndFiles, "/fe/")) mux.HandleFunc("/service", serviceHandler) mux.HandleFunc("/proxy", proxyHandler) gConfig = config error := http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", config.Port), mux) fmt.Printf("error %v", error) }