BUGDAR [#]version[#] UPGRADING ======================================= Thanks for downloading Bugdar. It's freeware distributed under the GNU GPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Here's the simple way to upgrade to this version of Bugdar: 1) Upload all of the Bugdar files to the server, overwriting all the old ones that were there before. 2) Point your browser to http://www.example.com/bugdar/install/upgrade.php and follow the instructions. You're all done! UPGRADING NOTES ======================================= Template change diff files are located in install/templates/. Find the version range that is appropriate for what you're looking for. If you have questions, check the FAQ here: http://www.bluestatic.org/software/bugdar/faq.php But if that fails, you can always contact me here: http://www.bluestatic.org/about/ Bugs can be reported to: http://www.bluestatic.org/bugs/