set_focus('tab', 'options', null); $navigator->set_focus('link', 'options-pages-home', 'options-pages'); $admin->page_start('Home'); if (!defined('NO_VERSION_CHEK') OR constant('NO_VERSION_CHECK') != true) { $check = @file_get_contents('' . str_replace(' ', '-', $bugsys->options['trackerversion'])); if (strpos($check, '') !== false) { $check = $bugsys->xml->parse($check); if (isset($check['version-check']['update'])) { $admin->page_code('
Update Avaliable:
Your installation of Bugdar is out-of-date. You are running version ' . $bugsys->options['trackerversion'] . ' and the latest version is ' . $check['version-check']['update']['value'] . '. You can download the update at Blue Static\'s website. You are strongly encouraged to apply all updates to fix bugs and any security issues (if present).
'); } else if (isset($check['version-check']['up-to-date'])) { $admin->page_code('
Your installation of Bugdar is up-to-date. You are running version ' . $bugsys->options['trackerversion'] . '.
'); } } } $admin->page_code($lang->string('Hi and welcome to the Bugdar administration screen!')); $admin->page_end(); /*=====================================================================*\ || ################################################################### || # $HeadURL$ || # $Id$ || ################################################################### \*=====================================================================*/ ?>