<%- $templates['doctype'] %> <%- $templates['headinclude'] %> <%- $templates['title'] %> - <%- T('Home') %> <%- $templates['nav'] %>
<%- T('Administration') %>
<% if ($versionCheck): %>

<%- $updateTitle %>

<%- $updateString %>
<% endif; %>
<%- T('Welcome to the Bugdar Admin Panel') %>
<%- T('Version Information') %>
<%- T('Bugdar Version') %> <%- bugdar::$options['trackerversion'] %>
<%- T('PHP Version') %> <%- phpversion() %>
<%- T('MySQL Version') %> <%- $mysqlVersion %>
<%- T('Web Server') %> <%- $webServer %>
<%- T('Server Options') %>
<%- T('MySQL: Maximum Packet Size') %> <%- $mysqlPacketSize %>
<%- T('MySQL: Maximum Upload Size') %> <%- BSFunctions::fetch_max_php_file_size() %>
<%- T('MySQL: Full-Text Search Minimum Word Length') %> <%- $mysqlWordLength %>
<%- T('PHP: Safe Mode') %> <%- BSFunctions::bool_to_string($phpSafeMode) %>
<%- T('PHP: Register Globals') %> <%- BSFunctions::bool_to_string($phpRegGlobals) %>
<%- T('PHP: Magic Quotes GPC') %> <%- BSFunctions::bool_to_string($phpMagicQuotesGPC) %>
<%- T('PHP: Magic Quotes Sybase') %> <%- BSFunctions::bool_to_string($phpMagicQuotesSybase) %>
<%- T('PHP: Gettext Installed') %> <%- BSFunctions::bool_to_string(function_exists('ngettext')) %>
<%- $templates['footer'] %>