THIS IS THE TO-DO LIST FOR BUGTRACK 1.0 AND 1.1. BASE FEATURES SHOULD BE PLACED IN 1.0 WHILE LARGE EXTENSIONS AND ENHANCEMENTS SHOULD BE PLACED IN 1.1. SVN: $Id$ ############################################################################### BUGTRACK 1.0 ---------------------------------------- ADMINISTRATION ---------------------------------------- - Put either inline admin help or a "what this does" description on each of the widget pages ---------------------------------------- GENERAL USER END ---------------------------------------- - New style - Make summary field longer - Make it so that you can modify bug fields on showreport.php ---------------------------------------- BUG REPORTING/EDITING ---------------------------------------- - Help bubbles detailing each field ############################################################################### BUGTRACK 1.1 ---------------------------------------- CORE SYSTEM CHANGES ---------------------------------------- - Switch to power-programming classes - Language independence ---------------------------------------- ADMINISTRATION ---------------------------------------- - Phrase tools for import/export/translating ---------------------------------------- BUG REPORTING/EDITING ---------------------------------------- - Email-based reporting - "Flags" for bugs and attachments --> mimic Bugzilla - QuickTriage feature --> uses AJAX - Auto action comments should be able to have dynamic text (i.e. variables in the comment) ---------------------------------------- SEARCHING ---------------------------------------- - Have a favourite queries list - Mass updates and deletes - Search attachment filenames and descriptions - Allow multi selections for all select options - Key words should be applied to custom text fields so they won't have their own text box ---------------------------------------- GENERAL USER END ---------------------------------------- - User-selectable column displays - User-selectable row colours (as opposed to forced admin-based ones, use default if not set) - CC/Email notifications - When displaying a bug, show dependency and relation trees