in['mark'] == 0) { ?>

Welcome to Bugdar

This installer will take you through the procedure of setting up your Bugdar installation. If you are seeing this message, that means that your configuration file was read properly and that your database is accessible.

The following steps will initialize your database, place the default settings and data in your database, and finally ask you to enter in some settings to allow you to access the system when the installer finishes.

To begin the installation process, please click the button below.

in['mark'] == 1) { ?>

Installation Check

This step will ensure that Bugdar can install and run properly. In all of these tests, green means the test succeeded and red means it didn't.

MySQL Privileges: "; $valcount = array_count_values($tests); if ($valcount['fail'] > 0) { echo "

Please adjust your MySQL setup and refresh this page to ensure that Bugdar can operate properly. If you do not do so, Bugdar cannot be installed.

"; page_end(false); } } // ################################################################### if ($input->in['mark'] == 2) { ?>

Initializing Database

This step will load the tables into your database so the rest of the installation can proceed forward.

query("ALTER DATABASE $database COLLATE $COLLATION"); require_once('./install/schema.php'); foreach ($schema AS $table => $query) { $db->query($query); echo 'Creating table ' . $table . '
' . "\n"; } } // ################################################################### if ($input->in['mark'] == 3) { ?>

Loading Default Data

Default table data for usergroups, statuses, priorities, and other various options are being loaded. This will allow you to use Bugdar with minimal setup.

$records) { foreach ($records AS $record) { $fields = $values = array(); foreach ($record AS $field => $value) { $fields[] = $field; $values[] = addslashes($value); } $db->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "$table (" . implode(',', $fields) . ") VALUES ('" . implode("', '", $values) . "')"); } echo 'Populating table ' . $table . '
' . "\n"; } $db->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "language (title, langcode, charset, direction, userselect) VALUES ('English (US)', 'en_US', 'utf-8', 'ltr', 1)"); echo 'Inserting default language
' . "\n"; } // ################################################################### if ($input->in['mark'] == 4) { ?>

Loading Settings

Default settings are being loaded into the system.

$value) { $db->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "setting (varname, value) VALUES ('" . $key . "', '" . $db->escape_string($value) . "')"); } echo 'Settings loaded...'; } // ################################################################### if ($input->in['mark'] == 5) { ?>

Cache Data

In order to make Bugdar as efficient as possible, the system caches the portions of data it can. This reduces the load of your server without compromising usability. Currently the caches are being built.

\n"; build_usergroups(); echo "Cached usergroups
\n"; build_statuses(); echo "Cached statuses
\n"; build_priorities(); echo "Cached priorities
\n"; build_severities(); echo "Cached severities
\n"; build_assignedto(); echo "Cached assignable users/developers
\n"; build_resolutions(); echo "Cached resolutions
\n"; build_products(); echo "Cached products
\n"; build_versions(); echo "Cached versions
\n"; build_languages(); echo "Cached languages
\n"; build_user_help(); echo "Cached user help documentation
\n"; } // ################################################################### if ($input->in['mark'] == 6) { $value = 'http' . ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '80' ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . str_replace('/install/install.php', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); ?>

General Settings

These three settings are fundamental in setting up your bug tracking system. Please fill them in to proceed with the installation.

Tracker Name (the name of the entire tracking system, for instance "Acme Inc. Bug Tracker"):
Tracker URL (the root URL of your tracker, we have tried to guess this for you; it does not end with a trailing slash!):
Webmaster Email:
in['mark'] == 7) { ?>

New Administrator

Your settings have been saved. Now you must create a new administrative account for yourself. This account will have complete control over the system.

Display Name:
Email Address:
query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "setting SET value = '" . $bugsys->input_escape('trackertitle') . "' WHERE varname = 'trackertitle'"); $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "setting SET value = '" . $bugsys->input_escape('trackerurl') . "' WHERE varname = 'trackerurl'"); $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "setting SET value = '" . $bugsys->input_escape('webmasteremail') . "' WHERE varname = 'webmasteremail'"); build_settings(); page_end(false); } // ################################################################### if ($input->in['mark'] == 8) { ?>

User Added

Your new user has been added.

set('email', $input->in['email']); $user->set('displayname', $input->in['displayname']); $user->set('password', $input->in['password']); $user->set('showcolors', 1); $user->set('usergroupid', 6, true, false); // don't verify because we haven't cached usergroups yet $user->insert(); } // ################################################################### page_end(); /*=====================================================================*\ || ################################################################### || # $HeadURL$ || # $Id$ || ################################################################### \*=====================================================================*/ ?>