in['mark'] == 0) { ?>

Welcome to Bugdar

This upgrade will take from Bugdar 1.2.0 Beta 2 to Bugdar 1.2.0 Beta 3.

To begin the process, please click the button below.

in['mark'] == 1) { ?>

Potential Schema Updates

Due to a small error in a previous scripts, this corrects some problems.

showerrors = false; if (!$db->query("SELECT groupids FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user")) { $db->query("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ADD groupids TEXT NULL"); echo "Adding user.groupids
\n"; } if ($db->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "component")) { $db->query("DROP TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "component"); echo "Dropping the component table
\n"; } } // ################################################################### if ($bugsys->in['mark'] == 2) { ?>

Version Number Change

This step finishes the upgrade by inreasing your version number.

query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "setting SET value = '1.2.0 Beta 3' WHERE varname = 'trackerversion'"); build_settings(); ?> ... done.