INT)); $bug = $DB_sql->query_first(" SELECT bug.*, user.displayname,, user.showemail FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "bug AS bug LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (bug.userid = user.userid) WHERE bug.bugid = $vars[bugid]" ); if (!is_array($bug)) { echo 'alert: bad bug'; exit; } echo "
Bug ID: $bug[bugid]
"; echo "
Reported by: " . construct_user_display($bug) . "
"; echo "
Product: " . $bugsys->datastore['product']["$bug[productid]"]['title'] . iff($bug['componentid'], ' / Component:' . $bugsys->datastore['product']["$bug[componentid]"]['title'] . '') . ' / Version: ' . $bugsys->datastore['version']["$bug[versionid]"]['version'] . "
"; echo "
Title / summary: $bug[summary]
"; echo "
Status: " . $bugsys->datastore['status']["$bug[status]"]['status'] . " / Resolution: " . $bugsys->datastore['resolution']["$bug[resolution]"]['resolution'] . "
"; echo "
Severity: " . $bugsys->datastore['severity']["$bug[severity]"]['severity'] . "
"; echo "
Priority: " . $bugsys->datastore['priority']["$bug[priority]"]['priority'] . "
"; $assigninfo = $bugsys->datastore['assignto']["$bug[assignedto]"]; echo iff(is_array($assigninfo), "
Assigned to: " . construct_user_display($assigninfo) . "
"); if (((can_perform('caneditown') AND $bugsys->userinfo['userid'] == $comment['userid']) OR can_perform('caneditothers')) AND can_perform('caneditinfo')) { echo '
[Edit Bug Report]
'; } echo '
'; $comments = $DB_sql->query(" SELECT comment.*,, user.showemail, user.displayname FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "comment AS comment LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (comment.userid = user.userid) WHERE comment.bugid = $vars[bugid] ORDER BY comment.dateline ASC" ); while ($comment = $DB_sql->fetch_array($comments)) { echo '"; echo ""; if ((can_perform('caneditown') AND $bugsys->userinfo['userid'] == $comment['userid']) OR can_perform('caneditothers')) { echo ""; } echo "
' . datelike('standard', $comment['dateline']) . '' . construct_user_display($comment) . "
" . $comment['comment_parsed'] . "
[Edit Comment]
"; } if (can_perform('canpostcomments')) { echo "
[New Comment]
"; } /*print_r($bug); print_r($comments);*/ } /*=====================================================================*\ || ################################################################### || # $HeadURL$ || # $Id$ || ################################################################### \*=====================================================================*/ ?>