. namespace hoplite\test; // This TestListener is meant to print to stdout and show CLI output for the // running test suite. It unfortunately conflicts with the standard text runner // UI, so it must be configured manually (see runner.php for an example). // // The format of the output is designed to mimic the Google Test (GTest) // framework output. class TestListener extends \PHPUnit_Util_Printer implements \PHPUnit_Framework_TestListener { const COLOR_NONE = 0; const COLOR_RED = 1; const COLOR_GREEN = 2; const COLOR_BLUE = 3; const COLOR_PURPLE = 4; const COLOR_CYAN = 5; // The start time of the test suite. private $suite_start_time = 0; // The suite depth. private $suite_depth = 0; // The number of errors that occured in a suite. private $suite_error_counts = 0; // Array of failing tests. private $failing = array(); // Array of skipped tests. private $skipped = array(); // Array of incomplete tests. private $incomplete = array(); private $risky = array(); // An error occurred. public function addError(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, \Exception $e, $time) { $this->_Print(NULL, $this->_ErrorLocation($e)); $this->_Print(' ', $e->GetMessage()); $this->_Print('[ ERROR ]', $test->ToString() . ' (' . $this->_Round($time) . ' ms)', self::COLOR_RED); ++$this->suite_error_count; $this->failing[] = $test->ToString(); } // A failure occurred. public function addFailure(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, \PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e, $time) { $this->_Print(NULL, $this->_ErrorLocation($e)); $this->_Print(' ', $e->GetMessage()); if ($e instanceof \PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException) { $comp = $e->GetComparisonFailure(); if ($comp) { $this->_Print(' ==> ', $comp->GetExpectedAsString()); $this->_Print('', 'does not match'); $this->_Print(' ==> ', $comp->GetActualAsString()); } } $this->_Print('[ FAILED ]', $test->ToString() . ' (' . $this->_Round($time) . ' ms)', self::COLOR_RED); ++$this->suite_error_count; $this->failing[] = $test->ToString(); } // Risky test. public function addRiskyTest(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, \Exception $e, $time) { $this->risky[] = $test->ToString(); $this->_Print('RISKY', $e->GetMessage(), self::COLOR_PURPLE); } // Incomplete test. public function addIncompleteTest(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, \Exception $e, $time) { $this->incomplete[] = $test->ToString(); $this->_Print('INCOMPLETE', $e->GetMessage(), self::COLOR_PURPLE); } // Skipped test. public function addSkippedTest(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, \Exception $e, $time) { $this->skipped[] = $test->ToString(); $this->_Print('SKIPPED', $e->GetMessage(), self::COLOR_BLUE); } // A test suite started. public function startTestSuite(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite $suite) { // Wrap the suite header. ob_start(); $this->_Print($this->_SuiteMarker(), $this->_DescribeSuite($suite), self::COLOR_GREEN); $this->suite_start_time = microtime(TRUE); ++$this->suite_depth; $this->suite_error_count = 0; // Wrap the suite contents. ob_start(); } // A test suite ended. public function endTestSuite(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite $suite) { $main_suite = (--$this->suite_depth == 0); $color_red = (($main_suite && count($this->failing)) || $this->suite_error_count > 0); $any_output = ob_get_length(); $delta = microtime(TRUE) - $this->suite_start_time; $this->_Print( $this->_SuiteMarker(), $this->_DescribeSuite($suite) . ' (' . $this->_Round($delta) . ' ms total)', ($color_red ? self::COLOR_RED : self::COLOR_GREEN)); $this->Write("\n"); // If this is the main suite (the one to which all other tests/suites // are attached), then print the test summary. if ($main_suite && $color_red) { $count = count($this->failing); $tests = $this->_Plural('TEST', $count, TRUE); $this->Write($this->_Color(" YOU HAVE $count FAILING $tests:\n", self::COLOR_RED)); foreach ($this->failing as $test) { $this->Write(" $test\n"); } $this->Write("\n"); } $count = count($this->incomplete); $any_output |= $count > 0; if ($main_suite && $count) { $tests = $this->_Plural('TEST', $count, TRUE); $this->Write($this->_Color(" YOU HAVE $count INCOMPLETE $tests:\n", self::COLOR_PURPLE)); foreach ($this->incomplete as $test) { $this->Write(" $test\n"); } $this->Write("\n"); } $count = count($this->skipped); if ($main_suite && $count) { $tests = $this->_Plural('TEST', $count, TRUE); $this->Write($this->_Color(" YOU HAVE $count SKIPPED $tests:\n", self::COLOR_BLUE)); foreach ($this->skipped as $test) { $this->Write(" $test\n"); } $this->Write("\n"); } // Flush the test output. ob_end_flush(); // Flush the suite header. if ($main_suite || $any_output) ob_end_flush(); else ob_end_clean(); } // A test started. public function startTest(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test) { $this->_Print('[ RUN ]', $test->ToString(), self::COLOR_GREEN); } // A test ended. public function endTest(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, $time) { $name = $test->ToString(); if (in_array($name, $this->skipped) || in_array($name, $this->incomplete)) { $this->_Print('[ ABORT ]', $name . ' (' . $this->_Round($time) . ' ms)', self::COLOR_CYAN); } else if (!in_array($name, $this->failing)) { $this->_Print('[ OK ]', $name . ' (' . $this->_Round($time) . ' ms)', self::COLOR_GREEN); } } // Returns the description for a test suite. private function _DescribeSuite(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite $suite) { $count = $suite->Count(); return sprintf('%d %s from %s', $count, $this->_Plural('test', $count), $suite->GetName()); } // Returns the test suite marker. private function _SuiteMarker() { if ($this->suite_depth == 0) return '[==========]'; else return '[----------]'; } // Prints a line to output. private function _Print($column, $annotation, $color = self::COLOR_NONE) { $column = $this->_Color($column, $color); $this->Write("$column $annotation\n"); } // Takes in a float from microtime() and returns it formatted to display as // milliseconds. private function _Round($time) { return round($time * 1000); } // Returns the error location as a string. private function _ErrorLocation(\Exception $e) { $trace = $e->GetTrace(); $frame = NULL; // Find the first frame from non-PHPUnit code, which is where the error // should have occurred. foreach ($trace as $f) { if (isset($f['file']) && strpos($f['file'], 'PHPUnit/Framework') === FALSE) { $frame = $f; break; } } if (!$frame) $frame = $trace[0]; return $frame['file'] . ':' . $frame['line']; } // Colors |$str| to be a certain |$color|. private function _Color($str, $color) { $color_code = ''; switch ($color) { case self::COLOR_RED: $color_code = '0;31'; break; case self::COLOR_GREEN: $color_code = '0;32'; break; case self::COLOR_BLUE: $color_code = '0;34'; break; case self::COLOR_PURPLE: $color_code = '0;35'; break; case self::COLOR_CYAN: $color_code = '0;36'; break; } if ($color == self::COLOR_NONE) { return $str; } return "\x1b[{$color_code}m{$str}\x1b[0m"; } // Returns the plural of the |$word| if |$count| is greater than one. private function _Plural($word, $count, $capitalize = FALSE) { if ($count > 1) return $word . ($capitalize ? 'S' : 's'); return $word; } }