cookiePath = $path; } // ################################################################### /** * Sets the cookie domain setting * * @param string Cookie domain */ public static function set_cookie_domain($domain) { self::_instance()->cookieDomain = $domain; } // ################################################################### /** * Sets the cookie timeout * * @param integer Cookie timeout */ public static function set_cookie_timeout($timeout) { self::_instance()->cookieTimeout = intval($timeout); } // ################################################################### /** * Sets a cookie in the user's computer/browing session * * @param string Name of the cookie * @param string Value of the cookie, FALSE to clear * @param bool Is the cookie permanent? */ public static function cookie($name, $value, $sticky = true) { // expire the cookie if ($value === false) { setcookie($name, $value, time() - (2 * self::_instance()->cookieTimeout), self::_instance()->cookiePath, self::_instance()->cookieDomain); } // set the cookie else { if ($sticky) { $expire = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; } else { $expire = time() + self::_instance()->cookieTimeout; } setcookie($name, $value, $expire, self::_instance()->cookiePath, self::_instance()->cookieDomain); } } // ################################################################### /** * Alternate between two CSS classes * * @param string First CSS class name * @param string Second CSS class name */ public static function swap_css_classes($class1 = 'alt1', $class2 = 'alt2') { static $count; self::$cssClass = ($count % 2) ? $class1 : $class2; $count++; } // ################################################################### /** * Returns the 'source path' version of a file path. It adds a * directory separator to the end of a string if it does not already * exist. * * @param string Path * * @return string Path with directory separator ending */ public static function fetch_source_path($source) { if (substr($source, strlen($source) - 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $source .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } return $source; } // ################################################################### /** * Force-download a file by sending application/octetstream * * @param string The text of the file to be streamed * @param string File name of the new file * @param bool Whether or not to die after stringeaming the file */ public static function download_file($file, $name, $exit = true) { header("Content-Type: application/octetstream"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '"'); header('Content-length: ' . strlen($file)); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); print($file); if ($exit) { exit; } } // ################################################################### /** * Verify that an email address is valid via regex * * @param string An email address * * @return bool Validity of the email address */ public static function is_valid_email($email) { if (preg_match('#^[a-z0-9\.\-\+_]+?@(.*?\.)*?[a-z0-9\-_]+?\.[a-z]{2,4}$#i', $email)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // ################################################################### /** * Generates a random string of random length (unless otherwise * specified) * * @param integer Optional length * * @return string A random string */ public static function random($length = 0) { // length wasn't provided, so create our own if ($length < 1) { $length = rand(20, 65); } $string = ''; while (strlen($string) < $length) { $type = rand(0, 300); if ($type < 100) { $string .= rand(0, 9); } else if ($type < 200) { $string .= chr(rand(65, 90)); } else { $string .= chr(rand(97, 122)); } } return $string; } // ################################################################### /** * Sets the current array position to be the specified key. This * function should be avoided on large arrays. * * @param array The array whose counter is to be updated * @param mixed The key of the element of the array that the counter is to be set to * * @return mixed Return the elelment of the array that we just put the counter to */ public static function array_set_current(&$array, $key) { reset($array); while (current($array) !== false) { if (key($array) == $key) { break; } next($array); } return current($array); } // ################################################################### /** * Calculates the microtime difference by taking a given microtime and * subtracting it from the current one * * @param string The start microtime * * @return float Microtime difference */ public static function fetch_microtime_diff($mtstart) { $mtend = microtime(); list($startMicro, $startSec) = explode(' ', $mtstart); list($endMicro, $endSec) = explode(' ', $mtend); return ($endMicro + $endSec) - ($startMicro + $startSec); } // ################################################################### /** * Fetches the extension of a file by extracting everything after the * last period * * @param string Filename * * @return string The extension for the specifid file name */ public static function fetch_extension($filename) { $array = explode('.', $filename); if (sizeof($array) == 1) { return ''; } return strval(end($array)); } // ################################################################### /** * Gets the maximum file size for attachment uploading, as specified by * PHP. If no value is present, 10 MB (represented in bytes) is * returned. * * @return integer The maximum file upload size in bytes */ public static function fetch_max_php_file_size() { if ($size = @ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) { if (preg_match('#[^0-9].#', $size)) { return $size; } else { return intval($size) * 1048576; } } else { return 10 * 1048576; } } // ################################################################### /** * Scans a specified directory path and returns an array of all the * items in that directory. Directories found by this are end in a "/" * * @param string Path to scan * @param bool Whether or not to recursively scan the directories encountered * @param bool Ignore files beginning with a dot * * @return array A list of all the files in the specified path */ public static function scan_directory($path, $recurse = true, $ignoreDot = true) { return self::_help_scan_directory($path, $recurse, $ignoreDot, ''); } // ################################################################### /** * Scans a specified directory path and returns an array of all the * items in that directory. Directories found by this are end in a "/" * * @param string Path to scan * @param bool Whether or not to recursively scan the directories encountered * @param bool Ignore files beginning with a dot * @param string Add to the beginning of the path * * @return array A list of all the files in the specified path */ private static function _help_scan_directory($path, $recurse = true, $ignoreDot = true, $pathAdd = '') { $filelist = array(); $path = self::fetch_source_path($path); $dir = new DirectoryIterator($path); foreach ($dir as $file) { $name = $file->getFilename(); if (($file->isDot() || $name[0] == '.') && $ignoreDot) { continue; } if ($file->isDir() && $recurse) { $filelist = array_merge($filelist, self::_help_scan_directory($path . $name, $recurse, $ignoreDot, $pathAdd . BSFunctions::fetch_source_path(str_replace($path, '', $file->getPathname())))); continue; } $filelist[] = $pathAdd . $name; } return $filelist; } // ################################################################### /** * Changes line breaks into one format * * @param string Text * @param string New line break (default is UNIX \n format) * * @return string Text with one type of line break */ public static function convert_line_breaks($text, $convert_to = "\n") { $text = trim($text); $text = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "\n", $text); $text = str_replace("\n", $convert_to, $text); return $text; } // ################################################################### /** * Removes all empty() [by PHP's standards] elements in an array. This * can be used in place of using PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY. * * @param array An array to strip empties from * * @return array Full-valued array */ public static function array_strip_empty($array) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($array["$key"])) { $array["$key"] = self::array_strip_empty($array["$key"]); } else if (empty($value) || is_null($value)) { unset($array["$key"]); } } return $array; } // ################################################################### /** * A backtrace formatter. * * This is very slightly modified from PEAR/PHP_Compat (PHP license) * * @author Laurent Laville * @author Aidan Lister * * @param array The backtrace from debug_backtrace() to format * * @return string Formatted output */ public static function format_backtrace($backtrace) { // Unset call to debug_print_backtrace array_shift($backtrace); if (empty($backtrace)) { return ''; } // Iterate backtrace $calls = array(); foreach ($backtrace as $i => $call) { if (!isset($call['file'])) { $call['file'] = '(null)'; } if (!isset($call['line'])) { $call['line'] = '0'; } $location = $call['file'] . ':' . $call['line']; $function = (isset($call['class'])) ? $call['class'] . (isset($call['type']) ? $call['type'] : '.') . $call['function'] : $call['function']; $params = ''; if (isset($call['args'])) { $args = array(); foreach ($call['args'] as $arg) { if (is_array($arg)) { $args[] = 'Array'; } elseif (is_object($arg)) { $args[] = get_class($arg); } else { $args[] = $arg; } } $params = implode(', ', $args); } $calls[] = sprintf('#%d %s(%s) called at [%s]', $i, $function, $params, $location); } return implode("\n", $calls); } // ################################################################### /** * A variation of PHP's substr() method that takes in the start * and end position of a string, rather than a start and length. This * mimics Java's String.substring() method. * * @param string The string * @param integer Start position * @param integer End position * * @return string Part of a string */ public static function substring($string, $start, $end) { return substr($string, $start, $end - $start); } } ?>