// mailpopbox // Copyright 2020 Blue Static // This program is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License, // version 3.0. The full text of the license can be found in LICENSE.txt. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only package pop3 import ( "fmt" "io" "net" "net/textproto" "strings" "github.com/uber-go/zap" ) type state int const ( stateAuth state = iota stateTxn stateUpdate ) const ( errStateAuth = "not in AUTHORIZATION" errStateTxn = "not in TRANSACTION" errSyntax = "syntax error" errDeletedMsg = "no such message - deleted" ) type connection struct { po PostOffice mb Mailbox tp *textproto.Conn remoteAddr net.Addr log zap.Logger state line string user string } func AcceptConnection(netConn net.Conn, po PostOffice, log zap.Logger) { log = log.With(zap.Stringer("client", netConn.RemoteAddr())) conn := connection{ po: po, tp: textproto.NewConn(netConn), state: stateAuth, log: log, } conn.log.Info("accepted connection") conn.ok(fmt.Sprintf("POP3 (mailpopbox) server %s", po.Name())) var err error for { conn.line, err = conn.tp.ReadLine() if err != nil { conn.log.Error("ReadLine()", zap.Error(err)) conn.tp.Close() return } var cmd string if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(conn.line, "%s", &cmd); err != nil { conn.err("invalid command") continue } conn.log = log.With(zap.String("command", cmd)) switch strings.ToUpper(cmd) { case "QUIT": conn.doQUIT() return case "USER": conn.doUSER() case "PASS": conn.doPASS() case "STAT": conn.doSTAT() case "LIST": conn.doLIST() case "RETR": conn.doRETR() case "DELE": conn.doDELE() case "NOOP": conn.ok("") case "RSET": conn.doRSET() case "UIDL": conn.doUIDL() case "CAPA": conn.doCAPA() default: conn.err("unknown command") } } } func (conn *connection) ok(msg string) { if len(msg) > 0 { msg = " " + msg } conn.tp.PrintfLine("+OK%s", msg) } func (conn *connection) err(msg string) { conn.log.Error("error", zap.String("message", msg)) if len(msg) > 0 { msg = " " + msg conn.tp.PrintfLine("-ERR%s", msg) } } func (conn *connection) doQUIT() { defer conn.tp.Close() if conn.mb != nil { err := conn.mb.Close() if err != nil { conn.err("failed to remove some messages") return } } conn.ok("goodbye") } func (conn *connection) doUSER() { if conn.state != stateAuth { conn.err(errStateAuth) return } cmd := len("USER ") if len(conn.line) < cmd { conn.err("invalid user") return } conn.user = conn.line[cmd:] conn.ok("") } func (conn *connection) doPASS() { if conn.state != stateAuth { conn.err(errStateAuth) return } if len(conn.user) == 0 { conn.err("no USER") return } cmd := len("PASS ") if len(conn.line) < cmd { conn.err("invalid pass") return } pass := conn.line[cmd:] if mbox, err := conn.po.OpenMailbox(conn.user, pass); err == nil { conn.log.Info("authenticated", zap.String("user", conn.user)) conn.state = stateTxn conn.mb = mbox conn.ok("") } else { conn.log.Error("failed to open mailbox", zap.Error(err)) conn.err(err.Error()) } } func (conn *connection) doSTAT() { if conn.state != stateTxn { conn.err(errStateTxn) return } msgs, err := conn.mb.ListMessages() if err != nil { conn.log.Error("failed to list messages", zap.Error(err)) conn.err(err.Error()) return } size := 0 num := 0 for _, msg := range msgs { if msg.Deleted() { continue } size += msg.Size() num++ } conn.ok(fmt.Sprintf("%d %d", num, size)) } func (conn *connection) doLIST() { if conn.state != stateTxn { conn.err(errStateTxn) return } msgs, err := conn.mb.ListMessages() if err != nil { conn.log.Error("failed to list messages", zap.Error(err)) conn.err(err.Error()) return } conn.ok("scan listing") for _, msg := range msgs { conn.tp.PrintfLine("%d %d", msg.ID(), msg.Size()) } conn.tp.PrintfLine(".") } func (conn *connection) doRETR() { if conn.state != stateTxn { conn.err(errStateTxn) return } msg := conn.getRequestedMessage() if msg == nil { return } if msg.Deleted() { conn.err(errDeletedMsg) return } rc, err := conn.mb.Retrieve(msg) if err != nil { conn.log.Error("failed to retrieve messages", zap.Error(err)) conn.err(err.Error()) return } conn.log.Info("retreive message", zap.String("unique-id", msg.UniqueID())) conn.ok(fmt.Sprintf("%d", msg.Size())) w := conn.tp.DotWriter() io.Copy(w, rc) w.Close() } func (conn *connection) doDELE() { if conn.state != stateTxn { conn.err(errStateTxn) return } msg := conn.getRequestedMessage() if msg == nil { return } if msg.Deleted() { conn.err(errDeletedMsg) return } if err := conn.mb.Delete(msg); err != nil { conn.log.Error("failed to delete message", zap.Error(err)) conn.err(err.Error()) } else { conn.log.Info("delete message", zap.String("unique-id", msg.UniqueID())) conn.ok("") } } func (conn *connection) doRSET() { if conn.state != stateTxn { conn.err(errStateTxn) return } conn.mb.Reset() conn.log.Info("reset") conn.ok("") } func (conn *connection) doUIDL() { if conn.state != stateTxn { conn.err(errStateTxn) return } msgs, err := conn.mb.ListMessages() if err != nil { conn.log.Error("failed to list messages", zap.Error(err)) conn.err(err.Error()) return } conn.ok("unique-id listing") for _, msg := range msgs { if msg.Deleted() { continue } conn.tp.PrintfLine("%d %s", msg.ID(), msg.UniqueID()) } conn.tp.PrintfLine(".") } func (conn *connection) doCAPA() { conn.ok("capabilitiy list") caps := []string{ "USER", "UIDL", ".", } for _, c := range caps { conn.tp.PrintfLine(c) } } func (conn *connection) getRequestedMessage() Message { var cmd string var idx int if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(conn.line, "%s %d", &cmd, &idx); err != nil { conn.err(errSyntax) return nil } if idx < 1 { conn.err("invalid message-number") return nil } msg := conn.mb.GetMessage(idx) if msg == nil { conn.err("no such message") return nil } return msg }