package smtp import ( "crypto/rand" "fmt" "net" "net/mail" "net/textproto" "strings" "time" ) type state int const ( stateNew state = iota // Before EHLO. stateInitial stateMail stateRecipient stateData ) type connection struct { server Server tp *textproto.Conn remoteAddr net.Addr esmtp bool tls bool state line string ehlo string mailFrom *mail.Address rcptTo []mail.Address } func AcceptConnection(netConn net.Conn, server Server) error { conn := connection{ server: server, tp: textproto.NewConn(netConn), remoteAddr: netConn.RemoteAddr(), state: stateNew, } var err error conn.writeReply(220, fmt.Sprintf("%s ESMTP [%s] (mailpopbox)", server.Name(), netConn.LocalAddr())) for { conn.line, err = if err != nil { conn.writeReply(500, "line too long") continue } var cmd string if _, err = fmt.Sscanf(conn.line, "%s", &cmd); err != nil { conn.reply(ReplyBadSyntax) continue } switch strings.ToUpper(cmd) { case "QUIT": conn.writeReply(221, "Goodbye") break case "HELO": conn.esmtp = false fallthrough case "EHLO": conn.esmtp = true conn.doEHLO() case "MAIL": conn.doMAIL() case "RCPT": conn.doRCPT() case "DATA": conn.doDATA() case "RSET": conn.doRSET() case "VRFY": conn.writeReply(252, "I'll do my best") case "EXPN": conn.writeReply(550, "access denied") case "NOOP": conn.reply(ReplyOK) case "HELP": conn.writeReply(250, "") default: conn.writeReply(500, "unrecognized command") } } return err } func (conn *connection) reply(reply ReplyLine) { conn.writeReply(reply.Code, reply.Message) } func (conn *connection) writeReply(code int, msg string) { if len(msg) > 0 {"%d %s", code, msg) } else {"%d", code) } } // parsePath parses out either a forward-, reverse-, or return-path from the // current connection line. Returns a (valid-path, ReplyOK) if it was // successfully parsed. func (conn *connection) parsePath(command string) (string, ReplyLine) { if len(conn.line) < len(command) { return "", ReplyBadSyntax } if strings.ToUpper(command) != strings.ToUpper(conn.line[:len(command)]) { return "", ReplyLine{500, "unrecognized command"} } return conn.line[len(command):], ReplyOK } func (conn *connection) doEHLO() { conn.resetBuffers() var cmd string _, err := fmt.Sscanf(conn.line, "%s %s", &cmd, &conn.ehlo) if err != nil { conn.reply(ReplyBadSyntax) return } if cmd == "HELO" { conn.writeReply(250, fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s [%s]", conn.ehlo, conn.remoteAddr)) } else {"250-Hello %s [%s]", conn.ehlo, conn.remoteAddr) if conn.server.TLSConfig() != nil {"250-STARTTLS") }"250 SIZE %d", 40960000) } conn.state = stateInitial } func (conn *connection) doMAIL() { if conn.state != stateInitial { conn.reply(ReplyBadSequence) return } mailFrom, reply := conn.parsePath("MAIL FROM:") if reply != ReplyOK { conn.reply(reply) return } var err error conn.mailFrom, err = mail.ParseAddress(mailFrom) if err != nil { conn.reply(ReplyBadSyntax) return } conn.state = stateMail conn.reply(ReplyOK) } func (conn *connection) doRCPT() { if conn.state != stateMail && conn.state != stateRecipient { conn.reply(ReplyBadSequence) return } rcptTo, reply := conn.parsePath("RCPT TO:") if reply != ReplyOK { conn.reply(reply) return } address, err := mail.ParseAddress(rcptTo) if err != nil { conn.reply(ReplyBadSyntax) } if reply := conn.server.VerifyAddress(*address); reply != ReplyOK { conn.reply(reply) return } conn.rcptTo = append(conn.rcptTo, *address) conn.state = stateRecipient conn.reply(ReplyOK) } func (conn *connection) doDATA() { if conn.state != stateRecipient { conn.reply(ReplyBadSequence) return } conn.writeReply(354, "Start mail input; end with .") data, err := if err != nil { // TODO: log error conn.writeReply(552, "transaction failed") return } received := time.Now() env := Envelope{ RemoteAddr: conn.remoteAddr, EHLO: conn.ehlo, MailFrom: *conn.mailFrom, RcptTo: conn.rcptTo, Received: received, ID: conn.envelopeID(received), } trace := conn.getReceivedInfo(env) env.Data = append(trace, data...) if reply := conn.server.OnMessageDelivered(env); reply != nil { conn.reply(*reply) return } conn.state = stateInitial conn.reply(ReplyOK) } func (conn *connection) envelopeID(t time.Time) string { var idBytes [4]byte rand.Read(idBytes[:]) return fmt.Sprintf("m.%d.%x", t.UnixNano(), idBytes) } func (conn *connection) getReceivedInfo(envelope Envelope) []byte { rhost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(conn.remoteAddr.String()) if err != nil { rhost = conn.remoteAddr.String() } rhosts, err := net.LookupAddr(rhost) if err == nil { rhost = fmt.Sprintf("%s [%s]", rhosts[0], rhost) } base := fmt.Sprintf("Received: from %s (%s)\r\n ", conn.ehlo, rhost) with := "SMTP" if conn.esmtp { with = "E" + with } if conn.tls { with += "S" } base += fmt.Sprintf("by %s (mailpopbox) with %s id %s\r\n ", conn.server.Name(), with, envelope.ID) base += fmt.Sprintf("for <%s>\r\n ", envelope.RcptTo[0].Address) transport := "PLAINTEXT" if conn.tls { // TODO: TLS version, cipher, bits } date := envelope.Received.Format(time.RFC1123Z) // Same as RFC 5322 ยง 3.3 base += fmt.Sprintf("(using %s);\r\n %s\r\n", transport, date) return []byte(base) } func (conn *connection) doRSET() { conn.state = stateInitial conn.resetBuffers() conn.reply(ReplyOK) } func (conn *connection) resetBuffers() { conn.mailFrom = nil conn.rcptTo = make([]mail.Address, 0) }