package smtp import ( "fmt" "net" "net/mail" "net/textproto" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "testing" ) func _fl(depth int) string { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(depth + 1) return fmt.Sprintf("[%s:%d]", filepath.Base(file), line) } func ok(t testing.TB, err error) { if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s unexpected error: %v", _fl(1), err) } } func readCodeLine(t testing.TB, conn *textproto.Conn, code int) string { _, message, err := conn.ReadCodeLine(code) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s ReadCodeLine error: %v", _fl(1), err) } return message } // runServer creates a TCP socket, runs a listening server, and returns the connection. // The server exits when the Conn is closed. func runServer(t *testing.T, server Server) net.Listener { l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) return nil } go func() { for { conn, err := l.Accept() if err != nil { return } go AcceptConnection(conn, server) } }() return l } type testServer struct { EmptyServerCallbacks blockList []string } func (s *testServer) Name() string { return "Test-Server" } func (s *testServer) VerifyAddress(addr mail.Address) ReplyLine { for _, block := range s.blockList { if block == addr.Address { return ReplyBadMailbox } } return ReplyOK } func createClient(t *testing.T, addr net.Addr) *textproto.Conn { conn, err := textproto.Dial(addr.Network(), addr.String()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) return nil } return conn } type requestResponse struct { request string responseCode int handler func(testing.TB, *textproto.Conn) } func runTableTest(t testing.TB, conn *textproto.Conn, seq []requestResponse) { for i, rr := range seq { t.Logf("%s case %d", _fl(1), i) ok(t, conn.PrintfLine(rr.request)) if rr.handler != nil { rr.handler(t, conn) } else { readCodeLine(t, conn, rr.responseCode) } } } // RFC 5321 ยง D.1 func TestScenarioTypical(t *testing.T) { s := testServer{ blockList: []string{""}, } l := runServer(t, &s) defer l.Close() conn := createClient(t, l.Addr()) message := readCodeLine(t, conn, 220) if !strings.HasPrefix(message, s.Name()) { t.Errorf("Greeting does not have server name, got %q", message) } greet := "greeting.TestScenarioTypical" ok(t, conn.PrintfLine("EHLO "+greet)) _, message, err := conn.ReadResponse(250) ok(t, err) if !strings.Contains(message, greet) { t.Errorf("EHLO response does not contain greeting, got %q", message) } ok(t, conn.PrintfLine("MAIL FROM:")) readCodeLine(t, conn, 250) ok(t, conn.PrintfLine("RCPT TO:")) readCodeLine(t, conn, 250) ok(t, conn.PrintfLine("RCPT TO:")) readCodeLine(t, conn, 550) ok(t, conn.PrintfLine("RCPT TO:")) readCodeLine(t, conn, 250) ok(t, conn.PrintfLine("DATA")) readCodeLine(t, conn, 354) ok(t, conn.PrintfLine("Blah blah blah...")) ok(t, conn.PrintfLine("...etc. etc. etc.")) ok(t, conn.PrintfLine(".")) readCodeLine(t, conn, 250) ok(t, conn.PrintfLine("QUIT")) readCodeLine(t, conn, 221) } func TestVerifyAddress(t *testing.T) { s := testServer{ blockList: []string{"banned@test.mail"}, } l := runServer(t, &s) defer l.Close() conn := createClient(t, l.Addr()) readCodeLine(t, conn, 220) runTableTest(t, conn, []requestResponse{ {"EHLO test", 0, func(t testing.TB, conn *textproto.Conn) { conn.ReadResponse(250) }}, {"VRFY banned@test.mail", 252, nil}, {"VRFY allowed@test.mail", 252, nil}, {"MAIL FROM:", 250, nil}, {"RCPT TO:", 550, nil}, {"QUIT", 221, nil}, }) } func TestCaseSensitivty(t *testing.T) { s := &testServer{} l := runServer(t, s) defer l.Close() conn := createClient(t, l.Addr()) readCodeLine(t, conn, 220) runTableTest(t, conn, []requestResponse{ {"nOoP", 250, nil}, {"ehLO test.TEST", 0, func(t testing.TB, conn *textproto.Conn) { conn.ReadResponse(250) }}, {"mail FROM:", 250, nil}, {"RcPT tO:", 250, nil}, {"DATa", 0, func(t testing.TB, conn *textproto.Conn) { readCodeLine(t, conn, 354) ok(t, conn.PrintfLine(".")) readCodeLine(t, conn, 250) }}, {"MAIL FR:", 501, nil}, {"QUiT", 221, nil}, }) }