# ustaxlib Change Log ## 2.0.0 - Upgrade to TypeScript 4 and simplify Form declarations. - Add support for overlay modules: - Overlay modules inherit all the forms of the parent module, but specific forms can be replaced if they have changed since the prior year. - TaxReturns now have `constants` property, to inject inflation-adjusted constants, which is what most year-to-year changes require. - Add the **fed2020** module as an overlay to **fed2019**. - Add the **fed2021** module as an overlay to **fed2020**. - Some common values on `Form1040` are now accessed symbolically in referencing forms, to make them immune against year-to-year line number shifts. - The `Line` class now supports a `LineOptions` to hold less-common options. - Currently there is only a `formatType`. - Add limited support for ISO options exercises to AMT/Form 6251. ## 1.1.0 - Add support for itemized deductions/Schedule A. - Add limited support for the AMT/Form 6251. ## 1.0.2 - Only publish the dist/ folder. ## 1.0.1 - Include examples in the NPM package. ## 1.0.0 Initial release.