fixture = new ApplicationController(APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_BINARY_PATH, APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_REPOS_PATH); } // ################################################################### /** * Makes sure that when the controller is created the proper fields * have been set. */ public function testNewControllerFields() { throw new PHPUnit2_Framework_IncompleteTestError; } // ################################################################### /** * Checks that getRepositoryName() does not return empty. */ public function testGetRepositoryName() { throw new PHPUnit2_Framework_IncompleteTestError; } // ################################################################### /** * Checks that getRepositoryUri() in the controller matches the one * specified in the configuration. */ public function testGetRepositoryUri() { $this->assertFalse(in_array($this->fixture->getRepositoryPath(), array('', '/')), 'Repository path is empty'); $this->assertRegExp('#(.*)/$#', $this->fixture->getRepositoryPath(), 'Repository path does not end with a slash'); } // ################################################################### /** * Checks that the command path to the SVN binary is not empty. */ public function testGetSvnBinaryPath() { throw new PHPUnit2_Framework_IncompleteTestError; } // ################################################################### /** * Checks that the revision number is set when passed via HTTP_GET or * HTTP_POST. */ public function testHttpRequestedRevisionNumberSet() { throw new PHPUnit2_Framework_IncompleteTestError; } // ################################################################### /** * Checks that the revision number is set when no arguments are passed. */ public function testUnRequestedRevisionNumberSet() { throw new PHPUnit2_Framework_IncompleteTestError; } // ################################################################### /** * Checks that the relative path always ends in a trailing slash if the * active node is a directory. */ public function testRelativePathEndsWithSlash() { throw new PHPUnit2_Framework_IncompleteTestError; } // ################################################################### /** * Checks that even without a HTTP request that a node is present. */ public function testUnRequestedNodePresence() { throw new PHPUnit2_Framework_IncompleteTestError; } // ################################################################### /** * Checks the validity of a HTTP_GET requested node. */ public function testHttpRequestedNodePresence() { throw new PHPUnit2_Framework_IncompleteTestError; } // ################################################################### /** * Verifies the ability to fetch an arbitrary node. */ public function testFetchArbitraryNode() { throw new PHPUnit2_Framework_IncompleteTestError; } } ?>