r4: Historical checkin for functions_cleanhtml.php (removed later).
[bugdar.git] / includes / functions_cleanhtml.php
1 <?php
2 /*=====================================================================*\
3 || ################################################################### ||
4 || # [#]app[#] [#]version[#]
5 || # --------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
6 || # All parts of this file are ©2003-[#]year[#] Iris Studios, Inc. No # ||
7 || # part of this file may be reproduced in any way: part or whole. # ||
8 || # --------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
9 || # ©2003 - [#]year[#] Iris Studios, Inc. | http://www.iris-studios.com # ||
10 || ################################################################### ||
11 \*=====================================================================*/
13 // ###################### Start process_raw_html #####################
14 // this cleans out all of the unsafe HTML tags
15 function process_raw_html($text)
16 {
17 // remove big scripts
18 $text = preg_replace('#<script(.*?)script>#isU', '', $text);
20 // clean tags
21 $tagarray = array('img', 'a', 'strong', 'b', 'em', 'i', 'u', 's', 'br', 'p');
22 foreach ($tagarray AS $tag)
23 {
24 $goodtags .= '<' . $tag . '>';
25 }
27 // remove js attributes
28 $text = preg_replace('#href=("|\'|&quot;)javascript:(.*?)\\1#i', 'href="&#106;&#97;"', $text);
30 $text = strip_tags($text, $goodtags);
31 return $text;
32 }
34 // ##################### Start process_safe_html #####################
35 // this removes any attempts to use <a href="javascript:"> type things
36 function process_safe_html($text)
37 {
38 //$text = preg_replace('#javascript#i', 'java&nbsp;script', $text);
39 $text = preg_replace('#</?(table|form|tr|td|tbody|thead) ?(.*?)?>#isU', '', $text);
40 return $text;
41 }
43 // ###################### Start process_all_html #####################
44 // say goodbye to anything in a tag
45 function process_all_html($text)
46 {
47 $text = preg_replace('#</?(.+?)>#', '', $text);
48 $text = strip_tags($text);
49 return $text;
50 }
52 // ##################### Start process_post_html #####################
53 function process_post_html($text, $allowraw = 0, $allowsafe = 1)
54 {
55 if ($allowraw)
56 {
57 return $text;
58 }
59 if ($allowsafe)
60 {
61 $text = process_raw_html($text);
62 return $text;
63 }
64 if (!$allow AND !$allowsafe)
65 {
66 $text = process_raw_html($text);
67 $text = process_all_html($text);
68 return $text;
69 }
70 }
72 /*=====================================================================*\
73 || ###################################################################
74 || # $HeadURL$
75 || # $Id$
76 || ###################################################################
77 \*=====================================================================*/
78 ?>