]> src.bluestatic.org Git - bugdar.git/blob - includes/settings.php
r823: We weren't using the lookupfields array properly; now we are
[bugdar.git] / includes / settings.php
1 <?php
2 /*=====================================================================*\
3 || ###################################################################
4 || # Bugdar [#]version[#]
5 || # Copyright ©2002-[#]year[#] Iris Studios, Inc.
6 || #
7 || # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 || # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 || # the Free Software Foundation; version [#]gpl[#] of the License.
10 || #
11 || # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 || # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13 || # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
14 || # more details.
15 || #
16 || # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 || # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 || # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 || ###################################################################
20 \*=====================================================================*/
22 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*\
23 | ********************** A NOTE ABOUT THIS FILE ********************** |
24 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
25 | Do not touch any of the values in this file. Doing so may make it |
26 | impossible for you to make adjustments to the system. This file has |
27 | all of the setting information used for installs, upgrades, and any |
28 | changes made in the admin control panel to various settinsg. |
29 \*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 /*
32 $define[GROUPNAME] = GROUPNAME; <-- sets up an option group
33 $config[VARNAME] = array(GROUPNAME, VARNAME, CODE, DEFAULT, VOLATILE, NAME, DESCRIPTION); <-- sets up a setting
34 */
36 $settingconfig = array();
38 // ###################################################################
40 $define['general'] = $lang->string('General Options');
42 $config['allownewreg'] = array('general', 'allownewreg', 'yesno', 1, false, $lang->string('Allow New Registrations'), $lang->string('If this is set to <em>yes</em>, then new users will be allowed to register.'));
43 $config['verifyemail'] = array('general', 'verifyemail', 'yesno', 0, false, $lang->string('Require Activation Email'), $lang->string('Setting this to yes will force all new users to verify their account with an email activation link.'));
44 $config['moderatenewusers'] = array('general', 'moderatenewusers', 'yesno', 0, false, $lang->string('Moderate New Users'), $lang->string('All new users will have to be approved by the administration before being able to have normal user rights.'));
45 $config['sendwelcomemail'] = array('general', 'sendwelcomemail', 'yesno', 1, false, $lang->string('Send New Use Welcome Email'), $lang->string('Setting this option to <em>yes</em> will send each new verified user a welcome email.'));
46 $config['webmasteremail'] = array('general', 'webmasteremail', 'textbox', '', false, $lang->string('Webmaster Email Address'), $lang->string('The email address from which emails will be sent out.'));
47 $config['trackertitle'] = array('general', 'trackertitle', 'textbox', '', false, $lang->string('Tracker Title'), $lang->string('The global name of the bug tracker. Example: Iris Studios Bug Tracker'));
48 $config['trackerurl'] = array('general', 'trackerurl', 'textbox', '', false, $lang->string('Tracker Base URL'), $lang->string('The base URL of the tracker. This is used when creating external links to the tracker. <strong>Be sure that this does not end in a trailing slash (&quot;/&quot;).</strong><br />Example: http://www.iris-studios.com/bugs'));
49 $config['dateformat'] = array('general', 'dateformat', 'textbox', 'F j, Y h:i:s A', false, $lang->string('Date Format'), $lang->string('Set the date format used for bug report and comment information. This is based on PHP\'s date() function.'));
50 $config['defaultlanguage'] = array('general', 'defaultlanguage', '" . construct_option_select(\'setting[defaultlanguage]\', $bugsys->datastore[\'language\'], $bugsys->options[\'defaultlanguage\'], \'languageid\', \'title\') . "', 1, false, $lang->string('Default Language'), $lang->string('You can set the default language that all new users (and guests) will use.'));
52 // ###################################################################
54 $define['reporting'] = $lang->string('Bug Reporting Options');
56 $config['allowhtml'] = array('reporting', 'allowhtml', 'yesno', 0, false, $lang->string('Allow HTML in Bug Reports'), $lang->string('Set this to <em>yes</em> if you want to allow users to post raw HTML in their bug reports. This is <strong>very</strong> dangerous and it is not recommended.'));
57 $config['defaultseverity'] = array('reporting', 'defaultseverity', '" . construct_option_select(\'setting[defaultseverity]\', $bugsys->datastore[\'severity\'], $bugsys->options[\'defaultseverity\'], \'severityid\', \'severity\') . "', 2, false, $lang->string('Default Severity'), $lang->string('The default severity that is selected when creating a new bug report.'));
58 $config['defaultpriority'] = array('reporting', 'defaultpriority', '" . construct_option_select(\'setting[defaultpriority]\', $bugsys->datastore[\'priority\'], $bugsys->options[\'defaultpriority\'], \'priorityid\', \'priority\') . "', 3, false, $lang->string('Default Priority'), $lang->string('The default priority that will be selected when creating a new bug report. Depending on your permission setup, the user may not be able to set this in a new report so this will act as the value.'));
59 $config['defaultstatus'] = array('reporting', 'defaultstatus', '" . construct_option_select(\'setting[defaultstatus]\', $bugsys->datastore[\'status\'], $bugsys->options[\'defaultstatus\'], \'statusid\', \'status\') . "', 1, false, $lang->string('Default Status'), $lang->string('The default default that is selected when creating a new bug report. If a user can not assign a status, this will be the one inserted into the database.'));
60 $config['defaultresolve'] = array('reporting', 'defaultresolve', '" . construct_option_select(\'setting[defaultresolve]\', $bugsys->datastore[\'resolution\'], $bugsys->options[\'defaultresolve\'], \'resolutionid\', \'resolution\') . "', 1, false, $lang->string('Default Resolution'), $lang->string('This is the default bug resolution. If a user is not able to change this field, setting this will act as the default value.'));
61 $config['defaultassign'] = array('reporting', 'defaultassign', '" . construct_option_select(\'setting[defaultassign]\', $bugsys->datastore[\'assignto\'], $bugsys->options[\'defaultassign\'], \'userid\', \'displayname\', 0) . "', 0, false, $lang->string('Default Bug Assignment'), $lang->string('This is the default developer new bugs will be assigned to. If a user does not have permisssion to assign bugs, this will be the default. If you don\'t want any default assignment, leave this as <em>Not Selected</em>.'));
62 $config['defaultcomment'] = array('reporting', 'defaultcomment', 'textarea', '', false, $lang->string('Default Comment Text'), $lang->string('If you wish to set a template for entering the initial comment of a bug report, then you may specify this here. However, the template will only take effect on the initial report/comment. Note: the template cannot be forced on the user as there is no way to validate it.'));
64 // ###################################################################
66 $define['pagination'] = $lang->string('Pagination Options');
68 $config['defaultpp'] = array('pagination', 'defaultpp', 'textbox', 20, false, $lang->string('Default Per-Page Amount'), $lang->string('The number of items (e.g. bugs) to be displayed on a page by default. The user will have the option of over-riding these values.'));
69 $config['maxpp'] = array('pagination', 'maxpp', 'textbox', 100, false, $lang->string('Maximum Per-Page Value'), $lang->string('To prevent your server from experiencing load problems, set the maximum per page limit. Specifying a value here will make sure any user-entered value will not be higher than this, preventing server load problems.'));
70 $config['pagelinks'] = array('pagination', 'pagelinks', 'textbox', 3, false, $lang->string('Number of Page Links'), $lang->string('The number of pages that will appear in the page navigation system on either side of the current page. Set this to 0 to display all pages.'));
72 // ###################################################################
74 $define['untouchables'] = $lang->string('Untouchables');
76 $config['trackerversion'] = array('untouchables', 'trackerversion', 'textbox', '[#]version[#]', true, $lang->string('Tracker Version Number'), $lang->string('Do not touch this!'));
79 /*=====================================================================*\
80 || ###################################################################
81 || # $HeadURL$
82 || # $Id$
83 || ###################################################################
84 \*=====================================================================*/
85 ?>