]> src.bluestatic.org Git - bugdar.git/blob - templates/admin_settings.tpl
Switch the 'modify' code of admin/field.php to use templates
[bugdar.git] / templates / admin_settings.tpl
1 {%#import 'admin_header'%}
3 <form action="{%#url '/settings'%}" method="post">
5 <div ng-app="bugdar.admin.settings">
7 <script type="text/ng-template" id="-/admin/settings/row.tpl">
8 <tr>
9 <th>
10 <label for="settings-{{name}}">{{title}}</label>
11 <dfn>{{description}}</dfn>
12 </th>
13 <td ng-if="settingType == 'yesno'">
14 <input type="radio" id="settings-{{name}}-true" name="settings[{{name}}]" value="1" ng-checked="value == 1">
15 <label for="settings-{{name}}-true">{%=T('Yes')%}</label>
17 <input type="radio" id="settings-{{name}}-false" name="settings[{{name}}]" value="0" ng-checked="value == 0">
18 <label for="settings-{{name}}-false">{%=T('No')%}</label>
19 </td>
21 <td ng-if="settingType == 'text'">
22 <input type="text" id="settings-{{name}}" name="settings[{{name}}]" value="{{value}}">
23 </td>
25 <td ng-if="settingType == 'textarea'">
26 <textarea id="settings-{{name}}" name="settings[{{name}}]">{{value}}</textarea>
27 </td>
28 </tr>
29 </script>
31 <table id="settings">
32 <tr><th colspan="2">{%=T('General Options')%}</th></tr>
33 <tr setting-type="yesno"
34 name="allownewreg"
35 title="{%=T('Allow New Registrations')%}"
36 description="{%=T('If this is set to <em>yes</em>, then new users will be allowed to register.') | raw%}"
37 value="{%= Bugdar::$options['allownewreg'] %}">
38 <tr setting-type="yesno"
39 name="verifyemail"
40 title="{%=T('Require Activation Email')%}"
41 description="{%=T('Setting this to yes will force all new users to verify their account with an email activation link.')%}"
42 value="{%= Bugdar::$options['verifyemail'] %}">
43 <tr setting-type="yesno"
44 name="moderatenewusers"
45 title="{%=T('Moderate New Users')%}"
46 description="{%=T('All new users will have to be approved by the administration before being able to have normal user rights.')%}"
47 value="{%= Bugdar::$options['moderatenewusers'] %}">
48 <tr setting-type="yesno"
49 name="sendwelcomemail"
50 title="{%=T('Send New Use Welcome Email')%}"
51 description="{%=T('Setting this option to <em>yes</em> will send each new verified user a welcome email.') | raw%}"
52 value="{%= Bugdar::$options['sendwelcomemail'] %}">
53 <tr setting-type="text"
54 name="webmasteremail"
55 title="{%=T('Webmaster Email Address')%}"
56 description="{%=T('The email address from which emails will be sent out.')%}"
57 value="{%= Bugdar::$options['webmasteremail'] %}">
58 <tr setting-type="text"
59 name="trackertitle"
60 title="{%=T('Tracker Title')%}"
61 description="{%=T('The global name of the bug tracker. Example: Blue Static Bug Tracker')%}"
62 value="{%= Bugdar::$options['trackertitle'] %}">
63 <tr setting-type="text"
64 name="trackerurl"
65 title="{%=T('Tracker Base URL')%}"
66 description="{%=T('The base URL of the tracker. This is used when creating external links to the tracker. <strong>Be sure that this does not end in a trailing slash (&quot;/&quot;).</strong><br />Example: http://www.bluestatic.org/bugs') | raw%}"
67 value="{%= Bugdar::$options['trackerurl'] %}">
68 <tr setting-type="text"
69 name="dateformat"
70 title="{%=T('Date Format')%}"
71 description="{%=T('Set the date format used for bug report and comment information. This is based on PHP\'s date() function.')%}"
72 value="{%= Bugdar::$options['dateformat'] %}">
73 <tr>
74 <th>
75 <label for="setting-defaulttimezone">{%=T('Default Time Zone')%}</label>
76 <dfn>{%=T('This controls the time zone that all unregistered users view the tracker with.')%}</dfn>
77 </th>
78 <td>
79 <select id="setting-defaulttimezone" name="settings[defaulttimezone]">
80 {% foreach ($timezone_list as $offset => $name): %}
81 <option value="{%= $offset %}" {%= ($offset == Bugdar::$options['defaulttimezone']) ? 'selected' : '' %}>{%= $name %}</option>
82 {% endforeach %}
83 </select>
84 </td>
85 </tr>
86 <!-- defaultlanguage -->
87 <tr setting-type="text"
88 name="syndicateditems"
89 title="{%=T('Number of Syndicated Items')%}"
90 description="{%=T('The number of bugs to be syndicated at any one time by the Atom XML feed.')%}"
91 value="{%= Bugdar::$options['syndicateditems'] %}">
92 <tr setting-type="yesno"
93 name="redirectheaders"
94 title="{%=T('Use Header Redirects')%}"
95 description="{%=T('Instead of displaying an intermediate page informing the user that their action was a success and a redirect is occurring, just send the user to the next screen using HTTP headers. This can save bandwidth.')%}"
96 value="{%= Bugdar::$options['redirectheaders'] %}">
97 <tr setting-type="textarea"
98 name="defaultcomment"
99 title="{%=T('Default Comment Text')%}"
100 description="{%=T('If you wish to set a template for entering the initial comment of a bug report, then you may specify this here. However, the template will only take effect on the initial report/comment. Note: the template cannot be forced on the user as there is no way to validate it.')%}">
102 <tr><th colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Save Settings"></th></tr>
103 </table>
105 </div>
107 </form>
109 {%#import 'admin_footer'%}