]> src.bluestatic.org Git - bugdar.git/blob - install/default_data.php
Generate a random password for new Bugdar users from the auth database
[bugdar.git] / install / default_data.php
1 <?php
2 /*=====================================================================*\
3 || ###################################################################
4 || # Bugdar
5 || # Copyright (c)2004-2009 Blue Static
6 || #
7 || # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 || # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 || # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
10 || #
11 || # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 || # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
13 || # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
14 || # more details.
15 || #
16 || # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 || # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 || # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 || ###################################################################
20 \*=====================================================================*/
22 $data = array(
23 'usergroup' => array(
24 array(
25 'usergroupid' => '1',
26 'title' => 'Unregistered/Not Logged In',
27 'displaytitle' => 'Guest',
28 'permissions' => '83'
29 ),
30 array(
31 'usergroupid' => '2',
32 'title' => 'Registered Users',
33 'displaytitle' => 'Registered',
34 'permissions' => '33554687'
35 ),
36 array(
37 'usergroupid' => '3',
38 'title' => 'Awaiting Email Confirmation',
39 'displaytitle' => 'Pending Activation',
40 'permissions' => '7'
41 ),
42 array(
43 'usergroupid' => '4',
44 'title' => 'Pending Approval',
45 'displaytitle' => 'Account Pending',
46 'permissions' => '3'
47 ),
48 array(
49 'usergroupid' => '5',
50 'title' => 'Developers',
51 'displaytitle' => 'Developer',
52 'permissions' => '49291263'
53 ),
54 array(
55 'usergroupid' => '6',
56 'title' => 'Administrators',
57 'displaytitle' => 'Administrator',
58 'permissions' => '67108863'
59 )
60 ),
61 'status' => array(
62 array(
63 'statusid' => '1',
64 'status' => 'Unconfirmed',
65 'displayorder' => '1',
66 'color' => '#D96640'
67 ),
68 array(
69 'statusid' => '2',
70 'status' => 'Confirmed',
71 'displayorder' => '2',
72 'color' => '#FFFF40'
73 ),
74 array(
75 'statusid' => '3',
76 'status' => 'Assigned',
77 'displayorder' => '3',
78 'color' => '#B266D9'
79 ),
80 array(
81 'statusid' => '4',
82 'status' => 'Closed',
83 'displayorder' => '4',
84 'color' => '#8CD940'
85 ),
86 array(
87 'statusid' => '5',
88 'status' => 'Reopened',
89 'displayorder' => '5',
90 'color' => '#40D9FF'
91 )
92 ),
93 'severity' => array(
94 array(
95 'severityid' => '1',
96 'severity' => 'Enhancement',
97 'displayorder' => '1'
98 ),
99 array(
100 'severityid' => '2',
101 'severity' => 'Trivial',
102 'displayorder' => '2'
103 ),
104 array(
105 'severityid' => '3',
106 'severity' => 'Minor',
107 'displayorder' => '3'
108 ),
109 array(
110 'severityid' => '4',
111 'severity' => 'Moderate',
112 'displayorder' => '4'
113 ),
114 array(
115 'severityid' => '5',
116 'severity' => 'Major',
117 'displayorder' => '5'
118 ),
119 array(
120 'severityid' => '6',
121 'severity' => 'Critical',
122 'displayorder' => '6'
123 )
124 ),
125 'priority' => array(
126 array(
127 'priorityid' => '1',
128 'priority' => 'Deferred',
129 'displayorder' => '1'
130 ),
131 array(
132 'priorityid' => '2',
133 'priority' => 'Low',
134 'displayorder' => '2'
135 ),
136 array(
137 'priorityid' => '3',
138 'priority' => 'Normal',
139 'displayorder' => '3'
140 ),
141 array(
142 'priorityid' => '4',
143 'priority' => 'High',
144 'displayorder' => '4'
145 ),
146 array(
147 'priorityid' => '5',
148 'priority' => 'Address Now',
149 'displayorder' => '5'
150 )
151 ),
152 'resolution' => array(
153 array(
154 'resolutionid' => '1',
155 'resolution' => 'Open',
156 'displayorder' => '1'
157 ),
158 array(
159 'resolutionid' => '2',
160 'resolution' => 'Fixed',
161 'displayorder' => '2'
162 ),
163 array(
164 'resolutionid' => '3',
165 'resolution' => 'Bogus',
166 'displayorder' => '3'
167 ),
168 array(
169 'resolutionid' => '4',
170 'resolution' => 'Duplicate',
171 'displayorder' => '4'
172 ),
173 array(
174 'resolutionid' => '5',
175 'resolution' => 'Won\'t Fix',
176 'displayorder' => '5'
177 ),
178 array(
179 'resolutionid' => '6',
180 'resolution' => 'Works for Me',
181 'displayorder' => '6'
182 )
183 ),
184 'fieldhelp' => array(
185 array(
186 'keystring' => 'bugid',
187 'title' => 'Bug ID & Hidden',
188 'body' => 'The bug ID is a unique identification number that can be used to to quickly locate it. The ID is also used for duplicates and dependencies. Marking a bug as &quot;hidden&quot; will prevent all users who cannot see hidden bugs (see the Bugdar manual regarding permissions). Hiding is useful for critical security issues that you do not want to be made public.'
189 ),
190 array(
191 'keystring' => 'summary',
192 'title' => 'Summary',
193 'body' => 'The bug summary is used to give an overall description of the problem. It is displayed on all listing pages.'
194 ),
195 array(
196 'keystring' => 'reporter',
197 'title' => 'Reporter',
198 'body' => 'The reporter is the user who is responsible for the initial bug report. If you need to get follow-up information, you should ask this user.'
199 ),
200 array(
201 'keystring' => 'dateline',
202 'title' => 'Report Time',
203 'body' => 'The report time is the date and time of the initial bug report.'
204 ),
205 array(
206 'keystring' => 'product',
207 'title' => 'Product/Version',
208 'body' => 'The product, component, and version show the general area where the problem occurs. Products are broad--for instance a car--whereas components would be like a door, using our car analogy. Versions show the specific revision at which the problem occurs.'
209 ),
210 array(
211 'keystring' => 'assignedto',
212 'title' => 'Assignment',
213 'body' => 'The person who the bug is assigned to (if anybody) is the developer who is charged with fixing the bug.'
214 ),
215 array(
216 'keystring' => 'status',
217 'title' => 'Status',
218 'body' => 'Status describes the state of the bug and how it is being handled, if it is at all.'
219 ),
220 array(
221 'keystring' => 'resolution',
222 'title' => 'Resolution',
223 'body' => 'The resolution is the explanation for the status. Usually the resolution is set when a bug is marked &quot;Closed&quot; in the status field.'
224 ),
225 array(
226 'keystring' => 'severity',
227 'title' => 'Severity',
228 'body' => 'Severity is the degree of the problem. This allows differentiation between a critical security flaw versus a slight annoyance with a work-around.'
229 ),
230 array(
231 'keystring' => 'priority',
232 'title' => 'Priority',
233 'body' => 'The priority shows the degree of celerity with which the bug will be fixed. This is different from severity in that, a bug could be a valid issue, but it could be for an old version and thus the priority wouldn\'t be high.'
234 ),
235 array(
236 'keystring' => 'duplicateof',
237 'title' => 'Duplicate Of',
238 'body' => 'If a bug is the same as another one in the bug tracker, you can enter the bug ID of that bug in this field.'
239 ),
240 array(
241 'keystring' => 'dependency',
242 'title' => 'Dependencies',
243 'body' => 'If a bug is affected by another bug, you can enter the ID of the bug that affects this bug here. You can enter multiple values into this field by separating the IDs with spaces.'
244 ),
245 array(
246 'keystring' => 'newreply',
247 'title' => 'New Reply',
248 'body' => 'Here you can specify additional comments. If you do not change any fields, this will merely attach a comment.
250 The &quot;Automation&quot; drop-down next to this box (which may be hidden) will allow you to perform a common task. These administrator-defined tasks can change any of the bug fields automatically and then add an automatic reply. If you change a field that will be altered by the action, the action\'s change will take precedence. Also, if you enter a comment and the action specifies a comment, the automatic comment will be attached to yours.'
251 ),
252 array(
253 'keystring' => 'columnorder',
254 'title' => 'Custom Column Ordering',
255 'body' => 'You can change the ordering and display of columns on the bug list using these settings. Any column with a position value of &quot;0&quot; will not be displayed in the list. Columns are positioned in the grid with the lowest numbered column starting at the far-left. If columns share a position number, they will be placed in the same column position.'
256 )
257 )
258 );
260 ?>